Fucking onna Perc

189 4 0

May 18th
Alonzo's POV

The argument was obviously not meant to happen. I just wanted to know why Zuri wasn't home. I know I cheated here and there but I was on a perc 30. I really do love her I just don't know how to express that and I usually get her attention when we're arguing and that's the only attention I get.

I woke up to her not on her side of the bed. I was still kind of dizzy from the perc I took, but I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Zuri doesn't even really talk to me nor has any contact with me. She blocked me 2 weeks ago when she supposedly seen me cheating on her when she came home.

After I washed my face I went down stairs and saw some food on the counter and a note. It read, "You're welcome hoe ass nigga" it was obviously from Zuri because she know she still luh me. I chuckled and opened the bag to it being some Mexican food or whateva. I'm so surprised she ain't forget my favorite type of food. I sat down and got to smacking and scrolling on Instagram reels while eating. I got a call and I instantly mugged the phone as I ignored the call.

The phone rang for a couple more seconds and it was that hoe I had on the couch that one time.

I answered the facetime call and here she go.

"Hey Alonzo"

"Wtf do you want Bianca?"

"I want you right now- what you eating?"


"Nigga I see that but what kind"

"My favorite"

"Mm, can I have some"

"Hell nah bruh get off my phone"

"Wait, can I atleast come over?"

"No Bianca stay home w yo man"

She rolled her eyes in the camera and hung up on me. I did not give a fuck.

I continued eating and one I finished I cleaned up and went back upstairs to watch TV.

I watched a couple movies and fell asleep after.

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