Taking it Serious..or not

41 3 0

3 weeks later
Friday Night
Third Person POV

DeShawn and Zuri were sitting in the Maybach chilling and listening to music , getting high and talking about politics for whatever reason and DeShawn said some random shit out of the blue.

"It would be something real crazy if we got married," he laughed

Zuri started choking on the bud.

"What?" She said turning her head.

"You know, if we got married and had like 3 kids." He said while taking a hit.

"I really think you smoke too much" Zuri replied then took his blut away from him putting it out.

"That was unnecessary as hell" DeShawn grabbed her bud and put it out as well.

"I'm just trying to help you from saying the wrong thing" Zuri opened the car door and stepped out fanning the smoke from her face.

"How is saying 'What if we got married' the wrong thing?" He followed her out and they both walked into the house.

"You'll figure it out," she went upstairs and took a shower.


After DeShawn's shower, they both had a cuddle session while watching House Party 1, 2, and 3. Obviously, they fell asleep during the credits of House Party 3. I'm surprised they even stayed up that long to watch 3 movies in a row.

Saturday, February 3rd
11:45 am
Alonzo's POV

As you all know, Valentines day is around the corner. Me and K'Shyia been in the talking stage for way too long, I'm bout ready to hit.

But I'm taking her out somewhere nice hence why I mentioned Valentines day.

I made reservations at the best restaurants known to man, especially for they bread and butter (idc if it's not the best restaurant, it's gone be the best today), Texas Roadhouse.

All the girls love that restaurant and I fo live me some sweet bread and cinnamon butter so we gone eat there and ima take her to the aquarium or sum shit.

"So whats the move, Tez?" I asked him while bagging some weed.

"So I'm thinking we can sell of 45th til like 6 and move to 1st street and stay all night.

45th and 1st are the most dangerous streets down here and honestly, anything can happen. Drive-bys, shoot outs, kids running in the street, people fucking in the dumpsters, a million and one homeless people, prostitutes, I mean the list can go on.

"Shii, ion think I ever sold on them streets fam" I said bagging the last bit of weed from the big portion I took out.

"Well nigga, Dustin said we need to change our lo so that's what I'm doing." Tez replied playing in his head.

"Out of all places nigga?"

"What I'm hearing right now is a bitch ass nigga, and it hurts my ears listening to it" Tez said.

I smacked my lips "Fam, I'm not scared or nun but 1st street?"

Last time I went to first street I came back and my car tire had a fuckin lock on it.

"Duh nigga I just said 45th and 1st no exceptions"

"Damn" I sighed.


Zuri's POV

Not me just now waking up. I hate that I slept all day.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into a shirt and sweats.

It was almost valentines day and I hope Shawn got me something, because I didn't yet and I need to head to the store asap.


DeShawn's POV

I woke up to a quiet house so I just sat there trying to get my thoughts together before actually getting up.

I eventually got up and took a shower.
After, I got out and put on something quick and I got a facetime call from Franklin, my brother from another mother,.

"I know this ain't who I think it is" I said  turning my camera on.

"Yes sir, it's is I Franklin Glinwood" 

"My main nigga, how you been? I haven't talked to you in God knows how long"

"You know, life been kicking me in the ass but I'm back on track and I was just thinking about you so I called. How are you?" He replied.

"Well you know I moved up north and I didn't get to catch up with you especially with all the moving and more job opportunities, I never got a chance to talk to anyone. Im doing well though now that i finnaly got to have a talk with you." I told him.

"That's great to hear man, you with Keisha I've had my ups and downs, she want me to put a ring on it but you know how it is down here in Welland."

"I get it, that's why I had to move somewhere else, no good pay down there." I said to him while finally leaving the house.

"Yep, where you going?" He asked.

"Just to pick up some stuff for my lady" I locked the door and got in the car.

"Uh oh, who am I talking to?" He said confused.

"I remember you couldn't bag no girls man" he finally said.

"Mann, get on somewhere with that, I get girls now"

"But she's a good woman, we had a fallout a couple months ago but we're getting back on track"

"That's good to hear, where you working at now?"


After all that yapping with Franklin, I got off the phone and went into Sam's and grabbed some stuff for Zuri.

I really didn't know what to get her so I got some chocolate, a card, a bear and some other lil cute shi.

I made the basket up and put it in the trunk of my car.

I hope she like it cus if she don't istg ima slap her.

A/N: LOLLL how yall doing, sorry for this writer's block ugh. And I'm busy this summer so it'll be a slow update but I'll be back soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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