Changing Ways

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Tuesday, October 30th
7:30 am
De'Shawn's POV

"No I don't want to forgive her for that shit." I started going off to her brother Chris.

"Yo dude calm yo cool ass down, thats still my sister." Chris said as he mugged me. "It's too early for you to be yelling in my car about her"

"Ight bro ima chill."

"Yea, you better chill. 7 in the fuckin morning" He said.

"Anyway, what's going on wit ol' boy?"


He dropped me off at work since I stayed at his place to get my mind off of things for a while.

Lowkey that shit hit where it hurted. I was mad in love with this woman and she do some shit like that.

I make it to my office and already see her at her desk typing on the computer.

"Morning, Mr. Bello" she said not looking up from her computer.

I simply did what was right and ignored her and walked straight into my office.

She followed me in and sat some contracts on the table.

"Shawn, stop ignoring me. You've been like this since last week...I genuinely am sorry"

"Thank you for the contracts Ms. Jones, you can see your way out now." I said with a straight face.


I was standing on business with that one no lie.

I just watched her walk out and close the door.

I sat back in my chair and noticed a sticky note on the desk. I picked it up and it read:

"Meet me at Hank's Cafe at 1."

"Tuh, who I look like meeting ha." I said to myself.

A few hours later..

I went home and got ready to go to Hank's..did I say I wasn't going?

I put on a calm luh fit with a couple sprays of my Calvin Klein cologne and walked out the door.

"Yo CJ lemme use your car" I said walking downstairs

"Fuck no nigga. Get an uber"

"Cmon Chris...I'll bring you back some food"

"Ight bro, don't wreck my shit" he said and threw me the keys

"Hungry ah" I laughed


I closed the door and made my way to the car.

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