Hell no

310 13 2

Zuri's Pov

DeShawn took me home but BABY lemme tell you his eye contact game is too good like I had to look away for a couple times. ouu this man is just too fine I couldn't handle it. His voice is so deep, Lonzo could never. His cologne had me feeling something wet in my panties.

He took me home and I opened my door to see Alonzo eating a bitch out on my couch.

I walked back out and got back in his car.

"Can we go to your place?" I asked him.

"What's going on?"

"My bum ass nigga is eating someone out on my fucking couch."

"Oh, yea we can go."

He drove off and I stared out the window for most of the drive trying not to burst into tears.

"We're here"

His house wasn't too far from mines.

"Thank you, DeShawn"

"You good, I said I gotchu whenever"

We went into his house, it was small on the outside but on the inside it was huge. I'm not the gold digger type, so I wasn't going around looking at things.

"You can take a shower here and I'll put some clothes out for you" He said.

"Okay, I appreciate it"

I followed him upstairs and he gave me some of his clothes as I went to take a shower.

He sat on the bed waiting for me.

Few minutes later

"I'm done."

"Alright, you can sleep here if you want I don't mind."

I sat beside him.

"So how long has he been cheating?"

It was a difficult topic to talk about because he's the only making the most money and I do love him, but I don't know what to love anymore.

"About 2 months now.."

"It's okay, you can let out your feelings to me. I'm not the type of nigga to tell your business."

"Well, Alonzo has 2 jobs but he's making more money in the house because he sells drugs." I said while holding back my tears.

"I just feel like there's no love between us anymore and if I break up with him it'll be hard for me to cope."

He gave me a hug as I began crying in his arms.

"Hey, Zuri if that nigga can't treat you right then you need to leave him now. I can help you with bills n shit just let me know."

"I just don't like getting help from others because I feel desperate." I said sniffling.

"With me, you can ask for anything. I promise. Now go in the bathroom and clean yourself up. I don't like seeing you sad like that"

I got up and walked to the bathroom to
clean up.

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