Former Team Kakashi

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Since the beginning of time, the existance of "Shinobi" as been predicted to where they will bring changes to the world. However, they face a lot of challenge such as politic, war, ideal, ambition, clan, and more of it. There even the existence of extremely powerful beings called the Tailed Beast, the one used for the battle against their will, even have to been sealed inside human that later called as a jinchuuriki.

Nine different individual are shown, as they stand above their own village despite being held back.

Each clan have their own speciality that make many of them well known across the world, but many were destroyed by their enemies out of fear and there are those drunken with their own power that cause them to destroy themselves. Only their own self-control that allow themselves to stay alive and keep living. Hundreds of clans affiliated themselves in each Hidden Village around the world.

A map of the world shows five different large nation along with multiple smaller nations around them, with many containing Hidden Village and have their own emblem for it.

However, this is not the story of the clans. Not about the Tailed Beast or their jinchuuriki, nor the story of their village. This is a story about... about a group of senior who wish to help their junior to overcome such hardship, and make them realize the true harshness of reality. And how they can live through it so they can become much better, surpassing them all.

In the middle of the jungle, everything there seems to be fine. The animals are moving around like usual, and the environment are just fine. But at the tree tops, there seen some people are jumping across the tree branches.

???: Hey, hey, can't you guys keep up?!

The first guy jump ahead the group, while the other two are chasing after him.

???: Wait for us, no need to rush.

The second guy just land on another branch before jump ahead.

???: Foolish.

And the last girl is jumped across the branch as she keep up with the two. The trio are turn out to be shinobi, fighters who supposedly fight in the shadow but things have changed through the times where everything about them are much more frontal. The trio keep jumping across the branch until they finally out of the forest, before landing on another tree branch each that facing toward a certain village.

???: Whee... We finally home.

???: Everyone feels better once returned here.

???: Mission, accomplished.

As the sunlight shines to them once they stand on much brighter branch, it is revealed how they appear to be.

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