Item Retrieving

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With Sasuke's departure from the village and become a missing-nin for choosing to train under Orochimaru simply to become strong, Team 7 had lose one of its member. Because Kakashi have to take jonin class missions due to the lack of people after the Konoha Crush, so even genin would be have to be sent in higher ranking missions, but it is not above than B-rank to make sure they come back safely.


It is the usual day at the village of Konoha. But for the shinobi, they will always be busy because of the missions that are sent to.

(Hokage Office)

In the Hokage office, Tsunade is being hammered with multiple paperwork and Shizune have to keep her to continue her work. Because there's a new mission, Naruto and Sakura are called to the office for the mission.

Naruto: Huh? A mission? If it related to Sasuke, then I will go and find him! I don't have time for crappy missions!

Sakura: I actually agree with Naruto... Though I don't agree about being missions are "crappy."

Tsunade: Stop complaining, this is just a C-rank item retrieval mission.

Naruto: How come an item retrieval mission is a C-rank?

Sakura: If I remember, that kind of mission is D-rank.

Tsunade: Because this mission isn't much of a D-rank. It involve getting back an item that was taken by a group of thugs.

She take out a paper and give it to Sakura for both of them to look.

Tsunade: This is the item you must retrieve. It is a scroll that contain some information about the routes in our village, like patrol route.

Sakura: That would be bad!

Naruto: Then we need to get going now! The village would be in bad time if something happen!

Tsunade: That is why you need to get those intel back before they sell those information to some other rogue ninja or other ninja village. Because Kakashi is currently away in a mission, I already have someone who will lead this mission.

Sakura: Who?

Rather than having the door knocked, the door opened and revealed to be Shizuka.

Tsunade: She's here.

Shizuka enters the room and stand between Naruto and Sakura.

Naruto: Oh, Shizuka-neechan!

Sakura: Shizuka-san?

Shizuka: So, what do you want now, old lady?

Tsunade: *eye twitching* Old lady...?

Shizuka: Yes, old lady. Nothing you say will change, I won't respect you.

Tsunade: *sigh* I really can't believe this... Anyway, she will lead you two in this mission. Shizuka is a jonin so she is experienced shinobi. Remember, this mission need to be success.

Sakura: Yes, ma'am.

Naruto: Just leave it to us!

Shizuka: Are we done here?

Tsunade: *in mind* These three have so much different personality...

After leaving the office, they went to prepare for the mission.

(Time Skip)
(Ichiraku Ramen)

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