Lord & Henchman

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When Naruto followed Arashi to Yakiniku Q, he even have lunch with him there despite Arashi ask why Naruto even follow him there for someone who like ramen so much. Team Asuma also there, because Choji always like to eat barbecue there. While they eating their meal, Arashi ended up telling Naruto and Team Asuma about one of the mission that Team 14 went before.


Team 14 and the guard are currently facing a group of Iwa-nin that intended to kidnap Sayu for unknown reason. They quickly weave hand seal at the same time, before slamming their hands onto the ground.

"Earth Style: Earth Pillar Explosion!"

The rocks explode and sent short stone like spear toward the group. As the stone spears hit the bridge, it cause some explosion before it cause the bridge to break apart. The group ended up falling down from the broken bridge. Sayu, Suzuno and Hakubi scream in terror though they technically not need to worry much because Team 14 is with them.

Kakashi: *in mind* I know there's shinobi would chase after this girl, but I never thought Iwa-nin would be the one coming after her.

Seeing they are falling down, Shizuka quickly weave a hand seal.

Shizuka: Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!

From the water blow, a large water dragon formed as it lunge up in the air. The water dragon grab the group by taking them into its mouth before get to the ground before, and splash into water and release the group back.

Suzuno: Ahh! What was that?!

Shizuka: Calm down, that was my jutsu.

Hakubi: I thought that kind of jutsu is offensive purpose only.

Shizuka: Not if you know how to use it in different way.

Kakashi: Shizuka, stay with me and face the enemy. Raiden, Arashi, you two help Hakubi and Suzuno guard Lady Sayu until reach her safe destination.

Arashi/Raiden: Yes, sir.

Kakashi: Listen, we both will be okay. Don't worry, since I am here with Shizuka.

Shizuka: Sensei, don't baby me.

Kakashi: Hahah, sorry.

Raiden and Arashi nod at each other before they start running ahead, following by Hakubi and Suzuno. Kakashi and Shizuka take out their own kunai, as some Iwa-nin jump down with their weapons ready.

Shizuka: Sensei, water weak against earth. So pick me?

Kakashi: Because these people might don't know what element Arashi and Raiden have.

Shizuka: I see... Well, Sensei is a lightning style user. I don't have to worry much.

Kakashi: We need to hurry up and catch up with others.

He grab the side of his headband and lift it up.

Kakashi: So I'm going to get a bit serious with this. Shizuka, follow my move and watch my back.

Shizuka: Got it, Sensei. At least this can be a stress reliever for all that ranting.

Kakashi: Good. Now... Let's do this.

He open his left eye and reveal his Sharingan. With the other group in the forest, they are currently running away from the Iwa-nin that are facing Kakashi and Shizuka.

Suzuno: Hey, do you think Kakashi-san would be okay?

Hakubi: I hope he's okay... And Shizuka-san, too.

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