Senior vs Junior

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After meeting with the new Team Kakashi or Team 7, Team 14 invite their junior for a lunch. Though after done with their lunch, Sasuke challenge Raiden into a fight. They went to the training field where Team Kakashi would gather and train together. At the three logs, Shizuka and Sakura sat there, Raiden stand beside the second log and Sasuke sat and lean his back at the third log, while doesn't seems to care about the fight.

(Training Field)

Naruto: Heheh, I will aced this fight for sure! Believe it!

Arashi: Believe it...?

He remembered someone who speak that, but in different way. Arashi grin and put his hands in provocation signal.

Arashi: Now, come at me, Naruto. Fight with the intent to kill.

Naruto: Don't cry when you lose!

He take out a kunai before rushing for Arashi. When Naruto thrust the kunai, Arashi step aside and dodge. Naruto turn around and throw the kunai at Arashi, but easily caught between his fingers. Arashi flick the kunai back at Naruto, and he catches it. Naruto focus on Arashi who just smile, as he quickly take out a handful of shuriken and throw them ahead. Arashi use simply movements to dodge the shuriken barrage easily.

Arashi: Hey, hey, is that all?

Naruto: Not at all!

He throw the kunai again, making Arashi sigh and caught it. Naruto smirk and put his hands into a hand seal.

Naruto: Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Multiple copies of Naruto appears, beside and behind him. Team 14 slightly surprise that Naruto able to use such kinjutsu without problem.

Arashi: Shadow clone? Heh. So you can use that one, huh?

Naruto 1: Suprised? This my key jutsu!

Naruto 2: This is just the start, Arashi-senpai!

Naruto 3: There's no way you are good as Kakashi Sensei!

Naruto 4: We'll bring you down!

The whole platoon of Naruto clones rush for Arashi, making chuckles.

Arashi: Interesting, Naruto. You're really unexpected one.

All of the clones jump at him, but Arashi take out a handful of shuriken before throwing them, quickly putting a hand seal.

Arashi: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!

The shuriken multiplied and hit each one of the clones, as all of them explode in poof of smoke. When all of the clones are gone, Arashi look around and sees Naruto is gone.

Arashi: He's gone?

As they keep watching, Shizuka and Raiden remember about their team as kids.

Shizuka: Naruto isn't bad. Never thought he can use Shadow Clone Jutsu that actually produce real clone.

Raiden: That wimpy kid is now a new leaf, huh? But... Naruto can't win if he uses that jutsu.

Sakura: What do you mean, Raiden-san?

Raiden: That's because...

While looking around, from the bush, Naruto comes out and rush for Arashi. But before he can reach Arashi, Naruto get caught by a shadow clone of Arashi who holds his hands in the back.

Naruto: Team 14Where stories live. Discover now