Securing Annoying Client

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Even after completing the mission without any casualties, Sasuke still displease that Raiden the one who dealt with the mercenaries shinobi all by himself. Naruto and Sakura are impressed with Raiden's skill and he didn't even use the power of Sharingan. Because Raiden still claim he didn't want revenge at all, Sasuke hates it and wanted to do anything to get his revenge.


At the Yakiniku Q...

The Yakiniku Q is a famous barbecue restaurant that oftenly visited by locals. Team Asuma usually went here as Choji the one who wanted to go at the place. Even right now, Team Asuma are having a lunch there with Choji having most of the meat. Asuma look at his wallet and feel very worried.

Asuma: *in mind* Again...? Choji, can't you control about how much you eat?

Ino: Choji, can't you try and eat your meal properly and at least do some diet?!

Shikamaru: Drop it, Ino. There's no way Choji would listen to you.

Choji: Mm, mm. Shikamaru is right, Ino. I eat when I wanted, and eat when I really wanted it. Food is necessary to everyone.

Asuma: But you don't have to eat that much all the time...?

Choji: Accepting any kind of food is my Ninja Way, and having my stomach filled will make sure I'm able to move all the time!

As they continue to continue to eat, someone familiar walk past them and sat at the table beside them. They turn aside and sees Arashi and Naruto, who ordered some food and then wait for their meal.

Arashi: Naruto, I thought you wanted to eat ramen? So why you follow me?

Naruto: Well, Raiden-niichan always told me that Arashi-niichan know good place to eat!

Arashi: *sweatdrop* Why that guy... He only eat ramen and told you I know place with goods. Only Shizuka know the places better.

Naruto: At least I can eat some grilled meat with you!

Arashi: Don't eat too much, Naruto.

Choji: Hey, Naruto.

They turn aside sees Team Asuma.

Naruto: Oh, Asuma Sensei, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji!

Shikamaru: Never thought you'd be here along with that guy.

Arashi: Hey.

Asuma: Knowing Arashi would always be around here, I expect we'll meeting here.

Arashi: I know. Wait, aren't you guys suppose to be just arrive from a mission? And you went straight here?

Asuma: Y-Yeah...

Shikamaru: *in mind* It was Choji's idea to come here...

Naruto: Ahhh!

This sudden surprise, make others jumped a bit.

Naruto: By the way, Arashi-niichan, did you ever went to a high level mission? Like you have to deal with annoying person or old man?

Arashi: *annoyed expression* Of course I did... It something I didn't even want to think about. Why Feudal Lord's relatives can be so annoying and a pain in the ass...?

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