First Stage

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Once again, Arashi perform a storytelling to his junior when they are having a lunch together. In the past Chunin Exams, Arashi and Shizuka taking the exams on their own because Raiden is already a jonin. With a special permission from the Hokage, they can compete as a two-man team. They maybe have one less teammate, but their skills can be said otherwise.

(Konoha Academy)

Once they entered the classroom, there are a whole bunch of genins in that very room who will be taking the exams along with them.

Arashi: Looks like we really got some competition.

Shizuka: Which makes it better.

Some of the genins turn to look at them, even seeing that they are the only team that have two-man.

"Hey, look at that."

"Entering this exams with only two person? Do they even know the rules?"

"Heh. They'll be out fast for sure."

Most of the talks are simply whispers, but they know what the others are thinking.

???: Oh my, looks like we got some old faces we recognizes.

They turn aside and sees their former classmates.

《Yamanaka Touka》
《Age: 13》
《Rank: Genin》

《Akimichi Dama》
《Age: 13》
《Rank: Genin》

《Nara Shun》
《Age: 13》
《Rank: Genin》

This is when Touka's team are in the same rank as they are, and they are refer as Team 20. Touka mostly the one who act as the leader to the team.

Touka: Looks like we're the one who will snag the win. Seeing how you guys don't have Raiden with you.

Dama: Touka, at least give them a brag.

Shun: *yawn* I wanna go home... But I want to be a Chunin, too.

Arashi: Never thought we'd see you here.

Shizuka: Didn't you join in last year?

Dama: We did, but we all failed that time. We try to reapply but for the second one, but it was cancelled.

Arashi: So you know most of these people?

Shun: Sure we have. We know some of the guys here, like that guy over there.

Touka: Hey!

When Touka yelled at them for sharing information they can use for this thing, Shun and Dama didn't even mind sharing some information about the previous exams to Arashi and Shizuka. They first look at one group from Amegakure, the Hidden Rain Village. Most of them are wearing cloak, and have gas mask.

Shun: Those guys are genjutsu users. Using deadly poison and needles as their weapons, and they are like assassins. And then those guys from Kusagakure.

They turn the other group from Kusagakure, the Hidden Grass Village. While they appear to be normal, one of them seems to be slightly intimidating.

Shun: I never seen them before, but I do know about their team leader. One year older than us, his name is Sagishi. He always use dirty tactics to win.

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