Border Patrol Mission

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(A/N: Just an early notice about the story. Remember, while I keep the balance for the story, this is mostly about Team 14. This is not fully focus on just Team 7 and others, but mostly about Team 14. Better remember that.)

Sasuke challenge Raiden into a duel, and Raiden agree if Naruto face against Arashi. Despite their best effort, Arashi and Raiden easily defeat Naruto and Sasuke without much effort. Knowing how different level they are, Naruto just acknowledge it but Sasuke despise that Raiden is far stronger than him. Sasuke despise that he have more power than him isn't going for revenge for their clan, but remain fight for the village.

Few Days Later...

After done with their mission, Team 14 returned to the village yet again. Though they refuse to listen to Tsunade when she keep asking them to do mission for them.

(Hokage Office)
(Mission Office)

After Team 8 just off for another mission, Team 7 is left on their own now and await for Tsunade to give them their mission. But after giving the mission detail to them, Naruto felt displease about it.

Naruto: Why do we have to another border patrol?! I don't want that kind of mission!

Sakura: Naruto, Lady Tsunade asked us for this mission so at least appreciate it.

Sasuke: Heh, I don't want easy mission.

After that, the door opened as Raiden walk into the room. Sasuke scoff before looking away as Naruto and Sakura greet him.

Raiden: You called me, Lady Tsunade?

Tsunade: Yes. Since Arashi and Shizuka are in a different mission each, I think it having you here would be good. Right now, Kakashi also in a separate mission. Raiden, I want you to lead Team 7 for a border patrol mission.

Raiden: Me? Lead Team 7? Of course, I'd be happy to do so.

Sasuke: ...?!

Naruto: All right! We can go on a mission with Raiden-niichan!

Sakura: I am glad, too.

Raiden: Being a leader to my juniors would be a good experience, too. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Lady Tsunade.

Tsunade: Then here is the detail for the mission for you.

She explain that one of borderline of the Land of Fire might be been breached because of the chaos left by the Konoha Crush. Because of the jonin and chunin shortage, genin have to be given such mission but require at least a jonin to accompany them. After hearing the detail, the team understood their mission. Raiden told the trio to get ready and he will wait for them at the main gate.

(Main Gate)

After the preparation, Raiden is waiting for Team 7 to arrive. When he walk to the entrance shade, he met with two chunins who always guarded the main entrance.

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