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I was at my home.
I called Aiden.
"Hey." A voice over the phone
"Hi. I have my badminton practice at 6, you wanna join me?"
"Sure. So meet me at 5pm."
"At Starbucks?" He says
I hung up the call.
It was 1pm. I was quite sleepy and I was feeling better now.
I went to my mother's room and took her blanket 'cause mine was in the washing machine. I went to my room and layed on my bed.
3 hours later.

I woke up and saw the time on my phone, it was 4pm. I got up and took my clothes out. I went to shower.
I played songs



I took my phone and went to kitchen to eat something. I'm literally starving. I saw a pack of chips and cookies. I took them and turned the TV on. After watching TV and finishing my snacks. There was someone on the door. It was my mom.
"Hi mum."
"Hi olive."
"How're you feeling now?"
"How do you know?"
"I got a call from your school."
"I'm feeling way better."
"So, you going to play badminton?"
"You sure, you're fine?"
"Yes I am."

It was 4:45. I took my bag and I left my house. I was on my way to Starbucks.
I was exactly on time. I sat on my usual table.
He was late and it was 5:05.
I waited for him for 10 more mins.
He was here now. Finally he was here. He came to my table and I was already drinking coffee but it was almost finished. He sat down. I ordered coffee for both us. We drank the coffee.
He insisted to pay the bill. I wanted to split it. But he ends up paying the bill. I said that the next coffee is upon me.
"So, we are coming here together again." He said.
"Lol sure."
"What about the result of our assignment?"
"Mrs Smith liked it."
"Very good."
"Let's go then." He said.

We were on our way too badminton court. He gave me a ride.
I went inside the court and he went to meet the coach. He came after sometime and he was now a part of our badminton practice and matches.
I met Julia and she asked me about Aiden. I told her that he's my classmate
We started doing practice and he was a fast learner. He was trying at least. The coach asked me to help him. I went to him and teached him.
I told him how to work on his backhand and forehand. I showed him how to do it
"So you play piano?" He was practicing.
"Yup and guitar too."
"Oh wow, that's amazing!"
He laughed and said Thank you.
"You have to practice forehand and backhand daily.
I explained to him about 5 shots
Drop, Drive, smash, clear and net.
"Remember don't touch the lines around the region you're playing. While hitting the shuttlecock, your racket must strike the cork not the feathers of the shuttlecock. You can play individually and in pairs." I told him about the basic rules.
"Okay, so can you show me how I can hit the shuttlecock."
I showed him several times so he may understand the tricks.
He was practicing.
I went near the benches and took my bottle from my bag. I sat down and Julia came to me.
Hey, she said. Hi I replied to her.
"So what about this new guy and you?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean." She smiled like she knew something.
"He's just my classmate."
"Well, I see something more."
"Seriously no."
"I should go now." I said and walked back to Aiden.

"So how's your practice going?"
"I keep missing the shot." He said.
"No problem, it requires a little practice and focus."
"Hit the racket and release the shuttlecock at the same time." I held the racket and showed him how I do it. "Easy, just focus and practice."
"Yeah ok." He said.

"Evelyn, wanna play with me." It was Steven. This guy is so weird. He takes everyone as his competition and he's so arrogant. I just can't tolerate him
"No thank you."
"Hey, come on."
Aiden was there watching us both talk.
"Focus." I said to him.
"Come on Evelyn."
"Okay wait a minute, I'm coming."
I held my racket and told Aiden to focus and practice. His focus was on me and Steven.
I went to my side of court. Our assistant coach was already there. He said us to start the match. Aiden also came there to see us play.
We started to play. I asked Steven to start the match. He hitted the shuttlecock and it came to me. I hitted it with all my force and it was quite a consistent game. But then I missed a shot.
Shuttlecock was in my hand and it was my turn so I hitted it with a lot more force and he missed it too. It was his turn, he hit the shuttlecock. I hitted it and he missed it. I won the game.
"You cheated." Steven yelled at me.
"You better not yell at her again." Aiden said.
"Aiden, it's okay. Let him yell. Only if I care. The only thing matter is that I won." I said in a way that Steven can hear me.
"You love winning, don't you?" He said.
"Who doesn't? It's the only thing I love the most in my life after T Swift."
"What if I defeat you?" He said with an evil smile.
"You can try."
"I definitely will win if I tried." He said again.
"You better practice now. Remember I'm the one teaching you so you know who'll win this."
"Really?" He said while stopping.
"Yeah really."
I went to practice again.
It was 7:30. I was in our locker room
I was packing my stuff and Steven came to me.
"Who do you think you are?" He yelled again.
"Someone totally better than you."
"Why don't we do that again tomorrow."
"Yeah sure, we can do it tomorrow and a day after. Anytime you want."
He pulled me back on the bench. He was so near me that I couldn't even stand up. I pushed him back but he was way stronger than me. He held my hand behind my back. Someone knocked on the door. It was Aiden. Aiden came to the locker room after knocking on the door several times. We don't usually lock the door. Everyone can come easily. He says my name. Aiden! I said
Aiden came to the side where we were standing. Steven saw him coming. Steven asks him to go away.
Aiden looked at him and pushed him away. He asked me if I was okay.
I told him that he was being a jerk as usual. He did that a few times after losing but he's a coward. We told coach about him. Steven said he will not do it again but now he did it again.
"You better say sorry or I'll knock you." I said.
He told him to apologize. I am not afraid of him.
"Aiden I can handle him. So what were you saying. Say it again."
"I am sorry." Steven said.
"Oh, so you are sorry now."
"Why be sorry when you can be arrogant."
"You are done now Steven."
Aiden and I came out of the locker room. He wanted to give me a ride. I told him it was okay and I prefer walking home.
"I can walk home with you."
"It's okay."
"My house is near the school and my sister will pick the car from here."
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yeah Yeah I am."
He walked me home and there was something between us, I don't get what.
We were finally there.
"Thank you for helping with Steven thing." I smiled.
"Don't worry I didn't do anything. You are the real man."
"That's not a man inside me that's a witch." I laughed.
"Bye then."
"Yeah.... See you." He said.

I went inside but I saw Lucas coming to talk to Aiden.


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