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I really can't tell how I was feeling. He is so good but I really hate the feeling of him being with someone else. I just couldn't do anything.
I went downstairs and mum was gone today so eating breakfast wasn't necessary. I went outside.

"Hey Evelyn." He walked towards me. "Lucas! Oh Hi." I couldn't opened my eyes properly as it was quite sunny. "Can we end this fake dating thing?" He looked around. "Yeah sure." I was done with it. First fake dating the guy I love and then faking dating the guy I hate. Technically I hated both of them. "I think I can win Stacy back now. What about you? Are you done?" He putted his hands in his pocket. Lol he really thinks that. "I am over everything so it's fine for me."

That's interesting even though I know
I am not over him. I walked away and back to hating him. Aagh I have a whole ass party to bear. It's not like I hate parties but right now, it's just a solid breakdown.
I was walking school and It feels like I am going to school after a long time.
I was at school. Mia and Noah were talking and I just passed by like I don't even know them. What is up with me? But Mia already saw me going so she called me.

"Evelyn!" Noah went to his locker.
"Oh hey, I just didn't see you guys."
"We know you are avoiding all of us. I hope it's just a phase." She shrugged.
"It better be." I awkwardly smiled.
"Maybe I should go. See you later." I smiled and she put her hand on my shoulder and said "Sure Evelyn, I just wanna make sure you are doing just fine. I'll see you at the party."
I smiled and passed by.

I saw Aiden coming towards me and I turned back like I didn't see him but he clearly saw me.
"EVE. You know you can't run away from me." He leaned towards the lockers.
"I wasn't running away. I just didn't see you." I kept moving 'cause I was feeling a little nervous.
"You are not screaming at me. ARE YOU OKAY?"
"Of course, I should just go."
"Sure Eve." He whispered in my ears.

                              ♦   ♦

I took my tray and shoved a sandwich in it. I saw Mia, Stace and Nancy sitting together. I went to their table.
"Can I sit?" I smiled. "Sure thing Evelyn." Nancy glanced at me while Mia passed me a smile. I glanced at Stace and she was smiling at her phone. FUCK IT'S AIDEN.
"Hi Stacy." I smiled at her. "Hi Evelyn, how are you doing?" She putted her phone aside. "I'm doing good and how are you?" I looked like a bitch and I know it. I hated being a bitch but it's a everyday thing now.
"I'm glad you are back, I missed you so fucking much." Mia looked at me. I sat down and said, "I'm glad to be here with y'all too."
"About the party tonight. Girls we are all going together, Lucas, Noah and Aiden too." Mia glanced at me.
"Agh why isn't it a girls night as I'm horribly single."
"Me too girls." Nancy laughed.
Stacy didn't responded on the single thing as she was with Aiden.
"Guys it's fine, we all are going together not as a couple so it's fine." Mia said. "So Evelyn we will pick you up too."
I could see Mia was wickedly smiling at me. She looked like she was conspiring. I said bye to girls and went out of the cafeteria.
I saw Aiden and just ignored him. Whatever he was doing, I didn't care at all. Of course I did but gaslighting myself into I didn't. I went to my locker and I saw him coming towards me.
"You coming to the party." He leaned towards the lockers. "Um.... no.... I mean yeah I am."
"We all are going together you know that?" He scratched his chin.
"Yeah, I'm not sure if I am coming with y'all." I didn't looked at him.
"Are you coming with that guy from bar?" He was acting weird.
"What guy?"
"That day in the bar, the guy you were kissing."
What guy, he was just a random guy. Oh god. What should I say?
"Yeah I am coming with him."
"What's his name?"
I took a literal minute to think of a name.
"Den, his name is den."
He coughed and said, "I should probably go now."
What did I just do? I don't even know him.
Mia where is she. I need her help.
I called her.
"Mia meet me at soccer benches.".
"Yeah I am coming." She hung up.

"What's up girl?" Mia waved.
"Mia, I said to Aiden that I am going with the guy I kissed in the bar, I don't even know how many I kissed that night. I was pretty much drunk and Aiden saw me kissing that one guy. I don't even know his name. I made up a name Den and told Aiden I'm coming with him."
"What else did you do?" Mia was shocked.
"Except making him walk all the way home and I was on his back drunk, nothing."
"Oh, so in short you are screwed?"
"Mia, yes I am."
"Why do you care what he thinks of you?" She gave a look
"I don't but it's just weird."
"It's not weird, admit you love him."
"Okay, I do love him but does it matters now. I lied." I sighed.
"You will go with us tonight and tell him that it was just a joke."
"You think it'll be okay?"
"Yeah It will be fine." She shoved her hand on my shoulder.
"Okay thank you."
"Keep your mouth shut about Aiden, Mia."
"You know me." Mia laughed.

FINALLY THE DAY IS OVER. Julia called me and asked me where I was for 2 days and if I was okay.
"I am doing just fine and I'll come tomorrow."
"Good, then see you tomorrow."
"Yeah sure, bye."

I hope y'all loved this chapter. It was fun writing the girls cafeteria part.
My Instagram; oh_lolilolilolipop
Feel free to dm me guys.

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