13 2 0

Saturday. It was the day I was going skydiving and breaking rules as I never did. I woke up, my mum must have gone to her workplace. It was Saturday and she goes early on Saturdays. She'll be back by 7. So we've plenty of time. It's 8 in the morning. I wore an off shoulder sweater with flared jeans. I put on my favorite gloss and blush. I brushed my hair and held them up by a clip. It's going to be so fun.

Last night I wrote my future self letters. It was quite fun. I'm a little bit scared. Evelyn everything will be fine.

Someone knocks on my window.
It's Aiden. He climbed a ladder, damn!
What are you doing here? I asked you to call me. "I did."
Where's my phone?
It was under my blanket and it was silent.
"Oh sorry, I forgot it was Saturday and my mum goes to work early. She'll be back by 7. We need to be back on time and I'm a little bit scared."
"Relax, it's okay." He said.
"I never did that before."
"Rules are made so we can break them."

Rule no:101 by Aiden.

We went inside his car. He's pretty rich.
"So, how're you feeling." He said while smiling at me.
"Excited and terrified." I told him.
He seemed happy. I was happy too.

We were there. Let's go.
They gave us basic training first and then we were allowed on the plane.
He looked terrified when we were going on the plane. I asked him if he was okay. He replied, "yes, I am."
"I can tell, he wasn't."
We were in all our gears. The plane was now in air.
I held his hand. He looked at me and smiled. I tried to smile but couldn't. It felt unreal with him. It's the music in my head when he was around me.

IT WAS THE TIME. We jumped out of the plane. I felt my hair flowing in the air. In the sky it was unreal how birds felt. I felt reckless and unstoppable. I'm already unstoppable but that feeling was way different than that.

We were now on the ground.

It was amazing. I loved it.
But, he was terrified and his face was white. I went to him.

Aiden! Are you okay?
"Yes I am."
"You are not. Look at your face. Are you afraid of heights?"
There was silence in between us for a moment.
"Yes... Yes I am."
"Oh god, why'd you do that then."
"I wanted to overcome my fear."
"What is wrong with you?" I was mad at him. How could he do that. Overcoming his fear in the worst possible way.
I asked him if he was fine and if we should go home. He said yeah.
He dropped me home and helped me climb the window. I asked him to come with me but he wanted to go home. He looked better so I let him go.

It was a fun fun day and breaking rules are fun.
I climbed the ladder but my hair strand got stuck into a branch of the tree near my window. I hate climbing ladders and I never did that before so it took me quite a few minutes. I enjoyed his company where he was terrified.
He looked weirdly cute like that. Maybe I should text him and ask him if he reached home safely.

I opened my phone,went on the messages and searched Aiden.

"Hey, I hope you reached home safely. It was quite a good day except the part where you were terrified."

"Aiden's Typing"
"Oh hi!"
"I'm at my home rn. It was fun honestly."

Yes It surely was. I thought.
I put my phone away and I was wondering how he feels about me.
Honestly it's just different with him, I don't really get what I feel for him. The music when I'm around him. I can't hurt someone anymore so I better not think about him.

I woke up and got ready as usual. I walked to school.
I reached school and it was a rainy day. It was not raining yet but I don't have an umbrella with myself. I went to class. Me and Mia then went to the canteen and I was not hungry so I didn't eat anything. I was not really feeling good.
I saw Lucas, Noah and Aiden coming to the canteen. They sat next to us. I wanted to go home, so I said good bye to Mia and walked out of cafeteria. Aiden came after me and asked me how I was?
I should not be rude with him. I told him I was fine and walked away. I was going home. He again came to me and asked me where I was going? I am not feeling good so I'm just going home early. He asked me if he can walk me home. I said no but he was insisting. I said yes he can walk me home.

"So, where do you live?" I asked
"Near the school."
"Then why do you use a vehicle to come to school?"
"I just like it." He told me
"Btw thank you for yesterday, it was an amazing day."
"My pleasure." He smiled.
"I saw you listening music several times, who do you listen to?" He asked me.
"Mother Taylor Swift." I said
"Wow, that's cool."
"Do you wanna listen now?" He asked
"Yeah." He said.

He took his air pods out, I connected it to my phone. I opened spotify and I putted it on random.


"This song is so good that I like to pretend I'm Olivia."
"Evelyn suits you so much." He said.
"But, I can call you Olivia if you want to?" He asked.
"I thought you liked Eve."
"So I'll call you Olivia from now on." He said.
"No, I like Eve better."
He's so good agh.
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I laughed.
He made me laugh. I can't help myself I wanna hate him so bad but I just kept falling.
I wanna tell him so bad that my name is Olivia. Not really but my mother wanted to name me that and she calls me Olivia.
We were at my home.
"Can I walk you home everyday?"
He asked.
"Really, but I don't really come home straight. I go to my badminton practice."
"You really do."
"I wanna join it."
"You can."
"Can you take me there tomorrow. I wanna do something different from guitar and piano."
"You play piano." I was not really surprised. He is so different from every other guy.
Maybe I'm in love or maybe I'm just messing around again.
"Yeah I do."
"That's really good."
"So walk me home."
"Sure." He smiled.
I went inside.
Smiling, he made me feel very different.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm so sorry I'm late but lemme know if you liked it.
My Instagram oh_lolilolilolipop

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