Chapter One: Ring and Thorn.

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Elfsong Tavern, filled with more excitement than it had been in quite some time with Gortash gone, the Illithid defeated and for the first time in quite some time, no one felt the weight of impending doom. The moonlight shone down reflecting on the bottle of Blingdenstone Blush, the group of heroes drank laughing and smiling though sadness and mourning did ever so often fleet in all of their eyes. There should be more of them sitting there drinking, laughing, and smiling. A silence followed their laughs, only the sounds of the tavern to be heard. Astarion's cold hand squeezed Citrine's, though his skin might of been cool to the touch, warmth flew through her. Astarion, the man she fell in love with, quickly fell for, his charm, his smile, his quips. He was the one to bring her back from the lust of bloodshed. She wondered if Oskar was still alive and if he had finished the painting she had commissioned from him. Astarion hadn't seen himself in over two centuries, and even if he said to be seen through someone else's eyes was nice enough she wanted him to see his beauty. Citrine made a mental note to check on Oskar's wellbeing he had been through quite a bit lately and truth be told she wanted Astarion to have his portrait.

Shadowheart kept well to her word, a goblet of wine in each hand on another on the table, though Citrine noticed she hadn't truly drunk much from any of the glasses. Her mind seemed elsewhere, Gale as well hadn't touched his drink much either. It had only been a night but the missing friends-family had made an impact. Citrine pushed one of her long golden braids behind her pointed ear. She laid her head onto Astarion's shoulder, he laid his head onto hers. They would live a long time together if fate allowed. A wood elf and vampire and with her only being 117 the next 600 odd years should suit them nicely.

Astarion broke the silence lifting his head "You know, I didn't find much to like in any of you. I came up with a reason to keep my distance, Shadowheart with your insistent need to declare your devotion for Shar at every turn. Gale you with declaring your love for Citrine that was rather forward, I do get it she is rather wonderful, Karlach and her glee, Wyll and his every boring daddy issues- although I did relate to them. Jaheira trying to slip things into our drinks, Minsc with well he's a few leaves short of a tree, Lae'zel and all her-" Astarion twirling his empty hand "drama. Halsin well I liked Halsin, couldn't find much wrong with him. My point being, I'm thankful to all of you. I do hope we find a way for all of us to be banded together again. Perhaps in the sun, I did grow rather found of it and you all."

"Careful Astarion, you're getting awful close to complimenting us." Shadowheart quirked. "I can say on behalf of us all we have grown fond of you too. We have come this far, and done quite a lot together. I have no doubts we will find away for us all to join ranks again and who knows what we will accomplish."

"As lovely as that sounds and I do appreciate the comradery, I may have an idea for both of our problems. That being Karlach and yours Astarion. For Karlach, we have come across a few necromancers though some of them not being my forte, I believe if we find one that could perhaps replace her heart with one that still beats we maybe able to bring her back from Avernus. It would take some convincing to bring a necromancer there and perform the task, but I do wonder if it might work. There may be a book or tome on it somewhere that something similar may have been done before. And for you my blood sucking friend I've only heard of one item and one alone *Ring of the Sun-Walker and by its name I assume you can guess correctly as to what it does. Last I heard of its whereabouts was in the Neverwinter Wood's which is quite a trek from where I hail. A trip to Waterdeep might be on the agenda."

Astarion shot up releasing Citrine's hand at Gale's words. "Well, then we should go. What are we waiting for? Heart for Karlach, ring for me. Sounds like we have a plan."

"Not so fast, it's not as if we have a necromancer in our back pocket that could do such a feat, plus we would have to find a still pumping heart, and the cost of that would be another's life. For a task that we do not know if it will work. Karlach and Wyll will be safe in the House of Hope for now. Hope might even be having them paint the walls as we speak. We have time there. And as for the ring, we need to brush up on our fey knowledge for many have made home to the region. We don't need to add problems to our plate."

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