Chapter Seventeen: A Walk in the Sun for a Walk in Darkness.

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Hyrsam clicked his tongue. "Good, now we walk and talk for a bit." Citrine nodded walking beside him. "The vampire spawn, loves you and you him and yet you two fear different things. He fears his old master and you, you fear him leaving why is that?"

The dirt was moist under Citrine's feet. "Because he is leaving, after we get our friends. He chooses to not be with me, that is his right."

"And yet you still are helping him get the ring that would allow him to be with someone else in the sun. Those who walk the material plane do puzzle me at times."

"He deserves freedom, even if I am not a part of it." He stopped her, a large oak before them, Hyrsam said a few words to the tree that Citrine did not catch, a branch lowered with a pouch upon it. Hyrsam, pulled the pouch off, reaching into it pulling the ring, he pushed the branch and it rose once more. In his hand sat an iron ring with a ruby as red and bright as the story proclaimed.

"This is what you came for and this is what you will get under one condition. For a life in the sun requires a life in the darkness. You must agree to those terms." Citrine looked puzzled her brows knitted together.

"So, I won't be able to see the sun again? Deal." There was no hesitation in her answer.

"No, no you must die." He was excited, ready.

"At this moment?"

"When he holds the ring, you will die."

She swallowed. "So I'd get to say goodbye first then?"

"If that is what you choose."

"That part wasn't in the story."

"That part has nothing to do with the ring and all to do with me." He had a devilish grin.

"Deal." She shook his outstretched hand.

They walked back in silence. She could see her friends pacing around the table, she did her best to muster a smile upon her face, she walked calmly to them, slowly. She remembered death, the pain before it, and the peace that came after. Astarion would get to walk in the sun again and that was what mattered. They would help Karlach and Wyll, maybe get to see all the others again after. He wouldn't have to leave if he didn't want to. The thought of their group being together again brought a true smile to her face.

Gale spotted her first. "The ring did you get the ring?"

She walked to him, pulled him in for a hug. "This one isn't for eating okay?" He laughed.

"I don't eat, I absorb but yes, although if Astarion does ever get particularly annoying it wouldn't be a bad option." She released him moving to Shadowheart, embracing her best friend.

"Your heart is so beautiful, you have come so far please don't let your past inhibit you from continuing to grow." Shadowheart hugged her back.

"I appreciate the sentiment but what is going on, we have the ring let's go?" Citrine smiled at her friend, Astarion would soon be free of having to hide. He looked worried. Citrine was the type to randomly give affection to her friends but this felt different.

She ran into his arms, he wrapped them around her. "So, I do get a hug too. My love, what has got you all affectionate? Did he do something to you?" His voice darkened.

"No." She squeezed him tighter. As cold as his flesh was his touch always brought her warmth. She could hear Hyrsam approaching the others. "I love you Astarion. I love you more than I ever thought possible, every day I'm thankful that you held a dagger to my throat." a soft chuckle left her, his lips kissing the top of her head.

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