Chapter Thirty-Four: Mystra.

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The morning came and they left the inn, Astarion road with Citrine and Shadowheart refusing to ride behind Gale left him and Wyll to share his horse. The days went by fast the campfires filled with songs and laughter. They reached Waterdeep without a hiccup.

Gale's tower was much smaller with two more added to the bunch. They managed to double up beds. Citrine turned the group the first breakfast back.

"We need to go back to Baldur's Gate. You are all welcome to come, I hope you all decide to come. Astarion and I are going to find the deed to Cazador's and sell the manor. We could buy a home on some land large enough for us all. Perhaps by Tovier. Or elsewhere but the faster we start the faster we can settle down for a bit, at least until the babies are here."

"Who in the nine hells is Tovier?" Karlach asked. Citrine excitedly spoke about her new friend and how the property the horses were dropped at was his.

Astarion turned to Gale, "Do you think Elminster would mind taking us? I don't want her traveling more than she has to."

Gale sighed "Yes but only if we get the crown for Mystra. I suspect this might be a trip for you, Wyll, and I. I'll make arrangements."

"Wait we aren't coming?" Citrine looked to Astarion.

"No my love I think it is best if you stay, why don't you all find whatever land you wish, with the biggest house you can find. There will be enough gold at Cazador's to buy whatever your heart desires never mind the money from the deed." He kissed her head as he pulled the other men out of the room.

A look of disappointment plastered Citrine's face. "Soldier no time for being upset! You heard the man, property to find, plus we need to send letters to everyone, there's picking out cribs. Aren't I right Shadowheart?"

"She is, there will be plenty of travels and dangers once those kids are born. Auntie Heart is going to teach them all about religious freedom and not to bow to others."

Karlach rolled her eyes, "Why don't you introduce me to this Tovier?"

And that Citrind did, she and Tovier got along well, and in the weeks to come they visited his house many a time. Each day the others were gone worried Citrine more and more, Tovier was beyond excited about the news of the little ones that were coming. He even helped them into the process of buying done land, the manor on it was large though it was beat down and needed work the giant green room sold it for Citrine.

Three weeks had passed without a word from the others and Shadowheart and Karlach were starting to worry as well. On the twenty-third night, a familiar sound of magic cracked and Citrine ran down the stairs.

There they were, they looked a bit battered but sacks and trunks surrounded them. Astarion at the sight of Citrine ran sweeping her into his arms and kissing her with passion he set her down, he got to his knees kissing her belly, a small bump had grown where one wasn't before.

Citrine pulled him up by his collar. "Three gods damn weeks."

"Gale's ex is something else I'll tell you that much. The things she made us do just to bring Gale home with his body intact." Citrine looked to Gale. The sounds of Karlach and Shadowheart descending the stairs.

"In the morning please." Gale was catching his breath. Wyll was patting his back. Elminster once more making himself at home.

Astarion walked to one of the sacks kicking it, gold poured out. Citrine's eyes grew she had never seen so much gold in her life.

"Cazador had quite a bit of gold, I hope you found somewhere grand!" His smile was large. "That's without selling the manor."

"Are you three hungry I could make something?" Citrine looked to Gale, Wyll, and Elminster.

"Wine and a cheese board would be fantastic!" Elminster perked up. "One for the road though I really should get going." Citrine packed home up his snacks hoping Elminster would bring back Gales wares. She made a plate for the other two men who were deep in conversation with Karlach and Shadowheart.

"In the morning we will go over details, but as of now we are safe, we are home and I'm very much looking forward to a long rest." Citrine handed Wyll and Gale their plates. "Oh thank you."

"I'll come and gather these once you've two fallen asleep." She yawned grabbing the others, "They're tired we should give them space." The others said their farewells as they went back up to their rooms.

Karlach fell right back asleep as her head hit the pillow. Citrine played with Astarion's curls as he drifted off into a deep meditation. When the whole house was quiet she tipped-toed her way back down the stairs, at the midpoint she heard hushed whispers from Wyll.

"Abominations? Is that truly what she said?"

A deep tired sigh came from Gale. "Yes, said there was nothing miraculous about new additions, she reckons there is something darker at play something more hellish."

Citrine slunk down on the stairs not daring to move.

"Every child is a blessing. Your Mystra is wrong."

"Not every child is born from a Bhaalspawn and a Vampire spawn."

"That may be what they are but it is not who they are. Even if something from the hells is at play there is nothing we can not handle."

"I agree with you, though if I know Mystra which I do we have need to be on high alert. I don't know how she could have known but here we are."

The two continued talking in hushed tones as Citrine made her way back to her room. Hellish, she held her stomach. In a lot of ways it made sense it would be impossible for her to be pregnant she wondered if her father had anything to do with what was happening. Maybe the god of murder had plans for the two souls inside of her.

She laid awake the rest of the night her mind went in every direction. As quietly as possible she went downstairs to clean up and start on their breakfast. Once things were cooked and plated she left a note saying she would be at Tovier's.

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