Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Curls.

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Citrine focused on making a wonderful breakfast for those of her companions who could eat her meals. Bacon, eggs, and oats with fruit in it, she treated Robin and Scratch along the way handing bits of fruit to Olivia who sat nicely on her shoulder while she cooked.

"I do prefer you on me rather than in a cage sweet Olivia." Olivia had her little paws wrapped in Citrine's locks. She nuzzled into her neck. "I do wish you would carry on in conversation with me, but in your own time." She looked to Robin and Scratch. "How have you two been faring at Gale's and not on the open road?"

"Like it here, soft places to lay," Robin replied looking to his new big although looking at the two little brother Scratch.

"I'm just glad you're with us friend." Citrine paused her cooking to pet the two.

"One day we won't be on the road forever. Although I would like enough property one day that we could walk for miles and not be bothered by anyone who may wish to harm us. That would be nice." Tara's familiar purr interrupted Citrine. "Tara, would you like something to eat?"

"I don't eat swine." She hissed back arched.

"Then cod coming your way, cooked or raw?" Citrine giggled at with winged cat.


Citrine plated everyone's breakfast, gathering her heard of companions she left for the market to pick up some fish for Tara. Her mind wandered to her dream last night. A small boy with grass green eyes and hair so blonde it could of been mistaken for white in certain lighting. His ears pointed, and two of his teeth as well. He had run into Astarion's arms, the words like a sweet song in Citrine's pointed ears. "Papa!" The sun bounced beaming onto both of their faces as Astarion lifted the little boy up throwing and catching him. The dream was beautiful but it was just that a dream. Shadowheart had gotten into her head, Citrine knew her life wasn't one meant for a child but the little hands that held her skirt while watching the two tugged on her heart now, the little girl's ruby eyes and long lashes, her hair just as golden as Citrine's. She could still feel the little girl's curls in between her fingers.

"If you're going to stand around gawking could you do it at someone else's stall?" The stern voice broke her from her thoughts, her feet had made it to the fish stall. Citrine apologized by buying more than she needed as a way to fix things.

She made it back to Gale's tower, a bundle of fish in her arms. Her friends voices carried through the doors. She walked in without a word, she felt sorrow for something that never existed. She struggled with mourning over the life that would never be.

Tara pushed herself into Citrine's legs, purring. "I'm sorry Tara, let's get this plated for you." She walked into the kitchen forcing a smile on her face before entering. "Good morning beautiful friends."

"I am beautiful." Astarion perked. Citrine laughed nodding as she fixed Tara's plate setting it down for her.

"That you are, as are all my friends. "Any plans before Tovier's?"

"Well, that spoils the compliment addressing everyone but Shadowheart did have some ideas."

Shadowheart stood clearing plates, "Did you eat? Our food was still warm and you were gone." Citrine nodded, a lie but she wasn't hungry she was in mourning.

Shadowheart's eyebrows knitted, "Well then, I think we should prepare to leave straight from Tovier's granted the horses suit us well, best to hit the road and head until we find a place that would do for camp. I'll miss Gale's bed but the sooner we leave the sooner Karlach and Wyll can come home."

Citrine nodded unloading the dishes from Shadowheart's hands. "I've got these."

Gale stood from the table, "The cook never cleans."

Citrine shook her head. "Today she does, everyone else has packing to do. I've been dead so I've hardly had to use a thing." She smiled at that, she truly hadn't had to use much. Astarion came to her side, kissing the top of her head.

"Let me help."

She handed him a towel to dry. She smiled at Gale and Shadowheart. "Go pack, things are looking up." The two left, and Shadowheart lingered in the archway. "Go, a couple of dishes won't be my undoing."

"Before we head out I have some things in town I'd like to get sorted, letters to our friends-" Citrine dropped a bowl into the soapy water.


"Such profanity!" Astarion laughed. "Don't worry I won't be telling anyone how you perished on us unless you want me to."

"No! I need you to send a letter to Oskar while you're out" she thought hard, trying to not lie but also not tell the truth. "I owe him some gold and well just make sure to put Gale's address as a return I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Astarion eyed her while drying the plate in his hands. "Is that all? Profanities from you and I assumed it was something larger."

"That and give my love to our friends, and no, no need to tell them about me having a little accident, I want them to be celebrating and perhaps ask if they could meet us so that we may all be together when we bring back Karlach and Wyll." she kissed Astarion's cheek, he looked down at her smiling. With wet hands she used his shirt as a towel to dry her own giggling while doing so. "You might want to change before you head out, you got a little something on your clothes."

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Is that what happened? I got something on my clothes."

"Exactly you clumsy vampire. Here I thought your reflexes would be better than that." She stood in the arch and winked at him. Astarion left the dishes on the counter tracking her up the stairs, he stood watching her hips sway each step. He noticed though as she rounded the corner her demeanor changed from happy and sassy to an air of sadness. Astarion slowly followed her up walking into their room.

"What's wrong my love?" Citrine jumped slightly.

"Why would you ask if something is wrong?" She turned to face him, Olivia in hand.

"That wasn't an answer. What is wrong?" He watched as a single tear fell down her freckled cheek, her lip quivered, she shook her head her hair flowing around her curves. "Why don't you want to tell me?"

"Because I don't want you to think less of me. I want these last few days to be happy and not you being disgusted by me."

Astarion took the little rat from her hand placing it back into her cage. He grabbed Citrine by the arms and pulled her into him forcefully. "I couldn't be disgusted by you if you had turned into one of those tentacled asses. Well, I might not ever want to kiss you I'm not even sure how I would but none the less, what is wrong my little elf? Thoughts of murder? Murdering me?" He smiled, his firm hands not releasing her.

She shook her head, "No, no thoughts of murder."

"Then what is it?" He pulled her onto the bed holding her body against his own. Her trembles worried him. "Did you already murder someone?" He laughed tickling her trying to get a smile across her face.

"Stop, no. No thoughts of murder no murdering. It is dumb and stupid and it's just a stupid dream. Leave it alone."

"Is that what you really want? Me to leave this alone, to see you upset and not try to fix it?" She nodded, pushing herself into him. "You're asking a lot of me here." Citrine stayed silent. "Fine, I usually don't drop curiosities but I see I'm not winning this one." 

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