Chapter Seven: Sun Touched.

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Astarion and Citrine walk back to the others, her face rosy and his filled with pride, Gale and Shadowheart were already peacefully asleep. Robin and Scratch looked up at the two as they headed to their rolls. "Goodnight little loves." Citrine whispers. Astarion opens Citrine's roll letting her slink in. He paused for a moment then kissed her forehead.

"I love you, my excited, little murderous elf," he whispered. "Sweet dreams and try not to kill me."

"I just might for pulling what you did." Citrine giggled. "I love you too Astarion." She watched as he climbed into his own roll. Her mind slipped into a deep meditation, her dreams were of those back at the waterfall where he took her when the nymph was played by her sister.

In her dream, Astarion smiled brightly, the sun beaming down on the two of them. They left their clothes to splash and play in the water, he whispered about love and devotion, touching her needing her. He held onto her tightly, his smile slowly turned into pain as his skin turned to cinders the water not protecting him and ash floated where he once stood, leaving Citrine to wail in agony as her heart was burned by the sun. In the corner of her eye, she saw Orin smiling sickly licking her lips as she grinned in delight.

Citrine shot up from her nightmare, her bedroll soaked in sweat, tears falling from her eyes, she saw him sleeping peacefully across the small burning fire. She shook her head, all was well. For the rest of the night, she did not meditate but instead went to sit with her sleeping fur companions petting them as they dreamt sweetly. She watched the others, hoping nothing as fearsome hid in their dreams.

The rest awoke to the smell of breakfast waiting, Scratch and Robin already had enjoyed a feast to themselves. "Good night sleepy heads. I've got eggs and sausage for those that are hungry." Gale and Shadowheart thanked Citrine as she gave them their plates sitting up in their bedrolls. She playfully roughed both of their hair. Slowly making her way to her lover Astarion as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"I see no plate for me." Citrine sat down beside him.

"You had yours last night."

"I see, and for you?"

"I ate with Scratch and Robin, and they were fine company." She laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.

"Everything alright my darling?"

"Just a nightmare nothing to worry about." She nuzzled into him, holding back a single tear, even though it was just a nightmare the thought of losing him was like a cold dagger in her heart. For Astarion was her home. Citrine knew nothing would stop them from finding that ring, Astarion would not go long without seeing the sun again.

The four packed up camp, and Citrine double, tripled check that the sun had truly gone away. Shadowheart was leading the way map in hand. "Now Gale how do you know of this ring? I mean is there a way to know it truly does exist?" Shadowheart's eyes do not leave the shore ahead of them.

"Well, no one truly knows if a magical item with great powers exists or not until they do. It will just have to be an adventure, now won't it?"

"And going back to Waterdeep a hero has nothing to do with it?"

"I am appalled you would ask such a thing. No, it is a nice cherry on top but no, Elminster, will know more about its precise location than I do and perhaps he can help us with more knowledge for our Karlach problem but this is about Astarion. He deserves just as much as we do to walk in the sun without fear of burning."

"I do appreciate you saying that- friend. Though I am worried about the part where you said no one truly knows about magical items." As Astarion said those words his hand squeezed Citrine's, she squeezed back in reassurance. However the fear of it not existing dawned on her as well.

"I highly doubt that it doesn't, many a wizard has tried to replicate it but it is said that a dwarven prince had it forged with a piece of the sun itself. I hardly believe that part but, though we have done and seen crazier things."

"What is the full story if you know it?" eagerly Citrine asked.

Gale cleared his throat. "It was said that a dwarven king who went by many names and came from many different places promised his kingdom that whoever could forge the sun itself would be given the title of prince or princess and be next in line after his death. He believed that if you could harness the sun, it could not harm you. His wife had been turned by a vampire during a raid on his castle one night and wanted nothing more than to see her back in the sun and all its glory. And so many came, saying they could do just that and many failed and the king well he had them all banished some say to the hells others say just out of his kingdom depending on who is telling the story. But, one eventful day a fellow dwarf reached up into the skies and pulled a piece of the sun off so hot that it continued to burn red after being plucked and he forged the ring out of iron that had pulled from the hottest depths of the hells. The king granted his promise as his wife walked freely into the sun and straight to the vampire that created her. The king killed himself with grief. And the prince took his throne. It is also said he hired monster slayers by the dozens to retrieve back his ring."

"Well did they?" Shadowheart asked fully invested.

"I don't know. I suppose we will find out once we find it, the last I heard it was in the Neverwinter Woods guarded by the fey, for even they don't want vampires walking around freely. But, they've never met our Astarion. Although if we are to have to make a deal with the fey we need to be prepared. Never give your name, never eat or drink their food, and never say thank you. There is more but that is enough for now."

Citrine soaked in every word, this ring would be Astarion's salvation but if a deal had to be made for it she would not allow him to be shackled by more chains, yes it was his life but he is hers and he would never need to know what is like to have to be indebted to someone ever again if she had any say in it.  

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