Chapter Twenty: Honey.

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Citrine stayed awake that night, watching Astarion in his meditation, he would be fully healed in the morning, she watched his shirtless chest as the rest of the tiny holes sealed over replacing themselves with new skin. Her fingers lingered on fresh flesh.

"Liliana" he muttered. Citrine froze, who was Liliana? The waitress perhaps? Had he lied because of her state? She was beautiful Citrine could hardly blame him. "Liliana" the name echoed in her ears as she moved to Shadowheart's bed.

Before the others could rise, careful of being too loud and waking Gale, she made breakfast for the bunch, Gale's beautiful kitchen wasn't as stocked as she would have hoped but she made do with their camping supplies. Honey bread and bacon. She was lost deep in thought still thinking of Liliana she did not notice Gale watching her.

She was beautiful, not even death could take that from her, her freckled skin blushed at every joint. Her pointed ears stuck out but in a darling way. He wondered if she knew that she hummed while cooking, he saw the looks of frustration while she cooked, rifling through empty cupboards. He made a mental note to stock up while they were here figuring out how to save the others. Gale could not help himself, he still loved her, and not for what she could provide for him but because of who she was. She was hopeful in the darkest times, curious about others, she never judged others on their backgrounds, he loved how along their travels to rid themselves of the parasite she took in everyone who needed assistance. She had broken his heart when he asked her to choose, perhaps if he hadn't in the end it might have been him.

She leaned forward and back on her heels, a slight frustration in her movements. "It would seem I'm in a dire need to go to the market."

"Good morning! I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you!" Her voice was like sweet morning doves.

"A wonderful friend cooking in my kitchen, there is no better way to wake up!" His smile was genuine.

"I wouldn't call this cooking, more of figuring things out. But, yes Gale you do need to go to the market. I would like to go as well! No offense but it's usually me who prepares the meals and it would just be easier." She played him his breakfast sitting it down at the round table, he thanked her waiting in his seat.

"A gentleman never has a bite without the cook having the first." Citrine laughed while plating her own.

"I didn't realize I was in such polite company." Her laugh was intoxicating to him.

"Well despite our past circumstances, we are in a home with a roof it's about time we all started using more manors." Citrine bit down into her bread, the honey had a faint taste of apple blossoms. A smudge of honey clung to her lip. "You've got." Gale gestured to her mouth. She wiped it, missing the sweet gold. "No, here. Let me just." He reached over the table, napkin in hand.

"Gale, Citrine isn't a toddler she can clean herself." Shadowheart's sleepy voice came from the archway, Gale slinked back into his seat with embarrassment. Citrine began to stand to serve Shadowheart. "Citrine I'm not a toddler either, I can serve myself just fine. Thank you for cooking once more." A sleepy smile greeted her best friend.

The three ate smiles and laughter around, they still missed their friends but now was the time to enjoy the little things. "So celebration tavern? Ale, wine? Liquor? Where did you two settle on?"

"My vote was The Sleepy Sylph, their waitresses are dressed like fairies but Gale thinks it would be too soon. I did try to explain that there is a difference between dressing up like a fairy and meeting an Archfey but ultimately that is up to you and Astarion."

"I know the difference between the two I was merely saying before that it would be rude, given we don't know what Astarion went through. Unless you do?" His eyes met Citrine's looking for answers.

"I don't, he said he played a game and he was able to stay in the sun and bring me back. I don't think he wants to say more. I won't push, I am curious but I won't. Out of curiosity I don't smell or feel different since umm, coming back do I?"

"You smell like road kill that's been out in the sun but that's nothing new," Shadowheart said plainly, shock spread Citrine's face as she lifted her arms to smell herself. Gale and Shadowheart burst out laughing, Gale nearly knocking his glass of water on the floor. "You smell fine, I was only joking. Why do you ask?"

Citrine's eye twitched, and then she smiled. "It is nothing, Astarion just- it doesn't matter. I'm just glad I don't smell like roadkill." She laughed with them.

Gale's look had become more serious. "I do not mean to be rude, or put my head in business that is not mine but, it may not be about you. I'm not saying that it isn't but perhaps we shouldn't assume that something may or may not be about one's self."

"You're absolutely right Gale, I know I can be self-centered at times."

"I wouldn't put it like that." Citrine smiled at him, grateful that her friends felt comfortable enough to speak out even to her.

"Thank you, well if Astarion doesn't want to see beautiful women dressed as fairies where then?"

"I was thinking Silavene's it's a casino, a little gambling, some drinks. We could either walk out richer than we could imagine or have to pocket a few more coins from our journeys down the road."

"Both sound perfect to me, I'll let Astarion be the deciding factor, plus after whatever it was he went through perhaps it would be best for him to choose." Citrine began clearing the plates of her friends.

"Leave them to me, the cook should never wash." Gale grabbed the plates from her hands.

Citrine slinked off to see if Astarion had wakened from his meditation, a soft knock at the door greeted her back with a "Good morning darling." She entered the room, Astarion's back to her. Cazador's "poem" stared back at her. She hated him and wished him a thousand more deaths.

"Good morning Astarion." he turned to face her smiling. She could not tell if it was genuine or not but she hoped it was. She went to hug him, he sidestepped her touch. Maybe Liliana was on his mind, she could not blame him she was beautiful. "Gale and Shadowheart had opinions on places we should go to celebrate, one's a tavern where the waitress dress like fairies, and the other is a casino."

"Hmm, as much as would enjoy watching wings on pretty little backs, a casino could be fun. As long as you don't poof off to some realm because you have a hunch the house is cheating. Although worse things could off happened perhaps turning into a wheel of cheese." Astarion let out a laugh.

"I don't think I would have enjoyed that, besides I don't think you can live off dairy alone." The words slipped out of her mouth before she could think them through.

"Could you imagine, a vampire living off of jugs of milk now that would make things a lot easier." He was smiling, she could breathe. She did not fear anger coming from him but perhaps the joke could have been too soon.

"Casino it is, should I tell the others now or do you want to talk about anything? Spend some time together? Maybe go for a walk in the sun without impending doom?" Citrine reached for his hand.

"No darling, go ahead and tell the others, the sun will still be there tomorrow. Or at least we can hope, perhaps there is a god that will reach into the sky and take it and this was all for not."

"Can I ask you something?" he nodded.

She tried to figure out a way to ask him about Liliana without sounding jealous or like she was prying too deeply. Citrine shook her head pushing the thoughts away. "Did you sleep well?"

Astarion let out a chuckle, "You're sweet to ask. Although with the tone I thought you were going to ask about something much deeper. I slept well, now run off so we can all get ready, I think I'll see if there is anywhere to get something a bit nicer for tonight, you should do the same." Citrine looked over her clothes, they were nice. Nice enough, she never had the taste for restricting clothing but perhaps Shadowheart and her newfound sense of ever-changing self could help her find something.

As she left Astarion, fiddled through the trunk pulling out his portrait and looking it over. This was the face that lured so many to their torture. He allowed himself to wallow for a bit staring into his own red eyes. He tucked the painting back into the trunk, that was enough of that. There was celebrating to do and after they would find a way to help Karlach and Wyll.

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