Chapter Fifteen: The Satyr.

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The others eventually made their way back down to the living room, Astarion had not released Citrine from his arms. The others seemed content giving them their space as they readied for Elminster, Shadowheart sat admiring her spear, Selune's Spear of Night and with her parent's sacrifice and her turning her back on Shar she could figure out who she was in every way and part of that was the spear she held in her hands. Gale, seemed content talking with Tara his winged cat. The two furry friends curiously walked through Gale's abode. A strong knock broke everyone from their thoughts.

"I hope we are all ready, I was thinking ordinary fey but an Archfey, we will have our hands full." Gale opened the door for his friend around the corner.

Citrine moved to face Astarion "Have you ever met an Archfey before?"

"No, my darling I have not but with our adventures we are bound to meet people of all kinds." Our adventures, she hoped there would be more that he would not leave, but Astarion was stubborn and was true to his word. Citrine knew he would more than likely leave her, no matter how she fought it. It was his decision to make even if it killed her inside. She nestled back into him as Gale and Elminster spoke at the door. When they got back in the room she knew this moment would be over, she did not know if there would be another like this. She had the feeling that the moment they left Gale's would be the last time the love of her life would hold her in his arms.

The two rounded the corner, "Well if you all are ready."

"Now Elminster as excited as I am to not have to walk the rest of the way, opening a portal in my living room won't have any damaging effects, correct?"

"Not any that I've witnessed." Elminster's eyes had a twinkle in them. He produced a black and gold helm, placing it on his head. "Now link arms, and paws so that we may be on our way." The group followed. Gale on one side of Elminster, Shadowheart on Gale with a large owlbear cub's paw in her hand. Astarion on the other side of Elminster, Citrine on him with Scratch's paw in hand.

The sensation was gut-turning, colors, sounds, and smells warped around them, flashes of towns, homes, meadows, and the ocean. Their ankles took the brunt of the impact as they landed on the grass. Shadowheart fell to her knees. Citrine wobbled into Astarion, Gale weaving into Elminster who seemed unphased by the journey he removed the helm. The furry companions stumbled in their own right.

"The effects should wear off in a moment, you get quite used to traveling this way. Becomes almost nice." Elminster joyfully said as he sat himself upon a fallen tree. Neverwinter Woods was thick, and there was a small footpath that led into it but where the grassy plane ended and the forest began was quite the contrast. "Remember, mind your manners but don't come off weak. Hyrsam is no fool despite his name. Come little friends we will start a fire and find something to nibble on."

Shadowheart slowly rose. "I'd rather not have to do that again."

"We didn't pack enough to walk home." Gale's voice sounded as if he was holding back sickness.

"Are you okay, my darling?" Astarion whispered to Citrine, she nodded her head. He let go of her arm. "Well then, better begin before the sun rises should we not find Hyrsam before the morning comes. Which would be a shame I'd hate for this shirt to turn to ash along with me." He beckoned the group as he took the first step into the forest. The three close behind.

The canopy the trees provided blocked out the moon and stars a slight relief spread in the group for perhaps if they could not finish this journey in a night the leaves would block the sun just enough to provide safety for their blood-sucking friend. The footpath weaved through the trees, the sounds of animals or beasts or even both seemed hushed, though their sounds did not go unnoticed.

They walked for what felt like hours no sight of another soul, some cloven tracks, paw ones as well but as for others exploring this forest, there were none. A familiar light caught all their eyes.

"Dolly?" Citrine walked closer to the light, Astarion grabbed her arm pulling her back, Citrine shook him off continuing to walk closer.

"You know Dolly?" A high-pitched voice came from the light, Citrine scrounged through the pouch she kept on her belt, pulling out a silver bell.

"We all do, she helped us after we saved her from a moon lantern. She gave this to us." Citrine arm extended bell in her palm. As the light came closer she saw it was indeed a pixie, roughly the same size as Dolly wearing what looked like a moonflower as a dress.

"Dolly is okay?" Citrine nodded. "Oh, Dolly is okay! " She spun, her light brighter. "Where is she?" she stopped.

"I imagine on her way back to the Feywilds or here, we had a little help. We are looking for someone, Hyrsam would you happen to know how to find him?" the little pixie's joyful face for a fleet second had one of trickery.

"Oh, yes I know where to find him."

"Would you mind telling us?"

"Follow me." Shadowheart and Astarion shared looks of apprehension though Gale and Citrine showed none. The four followed the pixie through the forest, leaving the foot trail, out of the corner of Citrine's eye she could see Shadowheart leaving marks on the trees with her spear, small little marks that would go unnoticed by most. They entered a clearing, in the middle was a giant table, the moon shone brightly down on it. Carafes of wine, and plates of the most delectable-looking fruits and cheeses lined the table. Dryads and Nymphs danced around the table while musical instruments played themselves. Citrine longed to dance with them. They looked so beautiful twirling, gracefully moving she longed to join.

A familiar hand grabbed her waist pulling her away, she hadn't even noticed that her body had started to sway. "Once you start you will not stop." Gale hissed at her. She looked at him nodding. The music and movement still calling her.

At the head of the table stood a handsome satyr, a mop of wild brown hair on his head, traveling clothes adorning his chest, a golden necklace with an emerald sat around his neck. His eyes snapped to the group at Gale's words.

"Who is wondering these woods?" His voice was hard like a hurricane but carried tones as sweet as honey. The others stopped dancing as they fled into the trees.

"A group of travelers looking for an audience with a prince." Gale sounded out, he began to walk to the satyr, and the others followed close behind.

"And whatever could you be seeking from me?" The prince jumped down from his seat. The music that played took a calmer tone.

"A ring that might be in your possession. We carry gold if that would appease."

The satyr's eyes darkened. "I have no use for gold. What else may you be offering?"

Astarion moved to Gale's side. "What is it you may want?"

"I'd like to play a game."

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