Chapter Twenty-One: Silavene's.

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Citrine had gone to Shadowheart to help her get ready for the night, to Shadowheart's excitement they proceeded to go shopping for the day. This was something soft and nice compared to how she grew up. Getting ready for a night on the town the closest thing to this were the disguises she got to adorn in the Temple of Shar. But this was not to hide away but instead to stand out, to be themselves but nicer. Shadowheart picked out a beautiful long red dress that sparkled in the lights for herself, and a deep dark almost black, magenta dress for Citrine that had a plunging neckline

The two women went back to Gale's to prepare for the night, Gale was already ready wearing a beautiful purple robe adorned with silver-looking constellations. He knew what he liked and stuck to it. The two complimented him as they retreated to their room. On Citrine's bed was a rectangular gift box with a note on it. Citrine opened the letter.

"I don't know what you and Shadowheart might have gotten up to today but if you would I'd very much like to see you in this. -Yours, Astarion."

Citrine opened the box to find a long peach dress, it sparkled slightly and had a lace covering with flowers and vines, no straps, and a sheer peach shawl with it. Shadowheart looked to her holding up the dress.

"The one I picked is more show-stopping but go on I know you want to. We can save mine for when we celebrate Karlach and Wyll's return." There was a bit of annoyance in her tone but she still put on a smile.

The two dressed, Shadowheart let her silver hair down, it flowed around her body nicely and Citrine wondered if they hadn't always found their way into so many fights if she would wear it like that more.

Shadowheart put Citrine's hair up in a loose bun, removing two strands to frame her face, she somehow was able to convince Citrine that she didn't need bobbles in her hair except for the small shining quartz that they had first found Karlach by, that would stay. The two headed downstairs. Hearing Gale and Astarion talking in the living room they made their way there.

Astarion and Gale were laughing but they stopped as the two girls entered the room. Astarion had picked himself up a soft green suit.

"Well, aren't you two a vision of beauty had I known you both clean up so well I would have made us find reasons to do this sooner. You both almost look as beautiful as me." He and Gale both laughed again.

"You don't laugh at ladies in dresses, if you two find it so funny perhaps we will find others who do not." Shadowheart was stern.

Gale walked to Shadowheart offering his arm, "We weren't laughing at you two but us. Astarion is right you both are visions of beauty. Shall we?"

Citrine locked eyes with Astarion, wondering if he would offer up his arm to her but he didn't instead he walked to the front door holding it open for them all. A carriage was waiting for them at the steps of Gale's home, a snow-colored horse and a rather grumpy-looking gnome. The four entered each excited about what the night would bring.

Silavene's was grand a three-story stone building covered in ivy and lights shining from within. The entire building seemed to glow with excitement. At the large grand doors stood two men in heavy armor, they made their way in with groups of other excited casino goers. Entering the building was even more stunning, blood red carpets laid over marbled floors. Tables with people playing *Hand of Fate, Twenty-One, Lair's Dice, Tymora's Spinner, Gyp, Gambit of Ord, Run of Luck, and Three Dragon Ante. Cards, dice, and gold glittered off the lights who glowed a seductive hue of blue.

"I don't know about any of you but Liar's Dice has always been kind to me." Astarion's eyes looked hungrily at the table. The ceiling reached the third floor a giant crystal chandelier shining above them. Balconies overlooking the bottom floor. Surrounding the outskirts of the gambling, were a few bars with every liquor or drink one could imagine. Couches and tables lined with beautiful people, waitresses in red and gold dresses made their way through patrons.

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