Chapter Twenty-Eight: Wind in Her Hair.

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Tovier stood waiting for them, four horses on their own leads, a milky white with cream spotted horse with a white mane, an all-black from hoof to tail, a golden horse with a black mane and tail, and a deep brown horse with white spots. He waved to the group, they came close. Citrine could not help her excitement any more than Astarion could hide his distain.

She hugged her friend turning to the horses. "Hello, I'm Citrine. I do hope you'll be wanting to travel with us."

Gale turned to the others "It is a bit weird when she does that." the group spoke of gold and their travels to come. Tovier offered them a meal and drink anytime they were in town. Citrine continued to have her conversation with the horses while the others spoke. Shadowheart left the group pulling on Citrine's arm.

"Sorry to interrupt I want to talk to you in private before we leave." Citrine excused herself from the horses and looped her arm around Shadowhearts, they walked in silence for a while, seeing all the beasts and animals alike on Tovier's property. "What is wrong?"

Citrine looked back the group was tiny in the distance, she returned her gaze to Shadowheart. "You got in my head."

Shadowheart stopped walking, looking dumbfoundedly at her friend. "Excuse me? What do you mean by that?"

"You, you brought up Arabella and Yenna, I was fine before that but now I have to have stupid dreams of kids and Astarion and-" Tears fell from her eyes, and she threw herself into Shadowheart's arms. "And he is leaving me after all of this. He'll be gone and I just want him to stay, to be with us. And those kids they were beautiful Shadowheart, how can I be so sad about something that hasn't happened?"

Shadowheart tightened her arms around Citrine. "Oh, Citrine. Firstly you can not blame me for your thoughts, secondly how you can be sad is because that is something you want. Astarion leaving, then damn him he's a fool. Do you really think even if he did leave he would be gone long?" Citrine nodded in her arms. "Even if he did leave and stayed gone you won't be alone. We are a family and I have no intention of us not being one. You once asked me what I would do after the parasite, and I said go our own ways. I was wrong, people can be wrong. You're my best friend and I'm not going anywhere." The two hugged for a long while, when Citrine's tears were finally dry they walked back to the others.

The horses were saddled and ready for their journey. Tovier hugged Citrine, "You are always welcome here." She hugged her new friend back.

"Thank you Tovier, thank you for everything. I will be back and with new friends for you to meet!" She pulled herself up into the saddle throwing her leg over the side. "You're a part of us now!" She waved to the dwarf, pushing her heels into the black horse who let her know earlier of his name Storm. She did a few laps with him, the wind in both of their hair as she waited for the others to become comfortable with their new companions.

Tovier had opened his gate and Citrine and Tovier took off, riding down the path, she tutted the horse to a stop after hearing Olivia chatter in her ear, at a stop she tucked the little rat into one of her side satchels promising to not take off like that again without good reason. Robin and Scratch were the first to catch up, both excited after a run.

The others weren't far behind but behind enough, Astarion looked disturbed riding the white horse Snow, Gale looked awkward and too straight on the golden horse Tilly and Shadowheart looked comfortable on the other but also slightly annoyed at the men's pace she rode the deep brown horse with spots name Charlie. The others were finally within arms reach and headed out for their journey, the first step was making it back out of Waterdeep to the road that led them directly to Daggerford.

Their first stop did not take long, as they pulled off into the forest not far from the road, tents were set up, a campfire started and food and drink were to be had. The group talked about how they would ask Lucretioius and what they would do if she said no, or did not know how to help.

Citrine laid her head on Shadowheart's lap and her legs upon Astarion's. She listened as Gale spoke, her eyes slowly drifting close, Astarion picked her off of Shadowheart to put her into her bedroll. "I'm awake." She yawned.

"For now." He kissed her head as he lowered her into her bedroll, moving his closer to hers. Citrine with sleepy eyes looked at him.

"You know, the first time you ever held me in your arms wasn't too different than here."

"You know the first time I held you scared me. I wanted to just use you for my own gain but somehow you made your way into my heart." He put an arm around her, stoking her hair.

"Could I kiss you?" She was awake now, his presence stirred something deep and alive in her.

"There is nothing I'd like more." He leaned down to her, cupping her head in his hands. Her lips met his own, she was sweet, she always was. He pushed his lips deeper into hers. He could feel the air trapped in her throat, their tongues danced with each other's. He pulled her out of her bedroll onto his lap, she could feel him hard under her. She began to untie his shirt, his hand grabbed her own. "Not now my love. Sleep now, we will get lost in each other another night." She sighed, she could feel herself slick for him.

"Yes sir." The words slipped out of her mouth.

"Oh, I did like that." He brushed this thumb over her lips. She began to climb into her own roll. "Tomorrow night we fix that, if you want. I'd like for us to join the two so I may hold you more comfortably while we sleep." She nodded, it did not take long for her to slip back into sleep's embrace.

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