Chapter Twenty-Two: Ice and Thunder.

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A familiar voice from the circus whispered in Citrine's ear as the darkness faded, she tried to move but was unable to. Ropes tied firmly around her torso, her hands tied behind the chair she was succumbed to, her legs tied to its legs.

Akabi's voice was strong and uninviting watching the wood elf struggle from her bindings. "Did you plan on stealing from Silavene's as well? Setara bint Aasim, would not as kindly as Lucretious did." Citrine's eyes widened in fear the dots connecting this were for sure the Djinn from Baldur's Gate. The thick cloth wrapped firmly around Citrine's head only allowed muffled pleas to escape. "When I went to Lucretious you know what her answer was, 'that if I hadn't made my own game so apparently rigged, people wouldn't have to get so creative.'" His tone was sinister. His laugh was cold. "So I found another employer one who appreciates my ambition, then I saw you walk into Silavene. You looked like you were in such awe, you cost me a lot of gold and managed to steal from me further." The room was empty minus one shining table, adorned with daggers, pickaxes, chains bottles of fluids Citrine could not identify.

She screamed into her restraint. She threw her body forward and back but her restrains did not move an inch. Akabi picked up a glittering dagger, teasing it in his hands. His me moved putting his face inches from her own. "Now I wonder do I punish your friends as well or just you?" His eyes told a story and that was one of a search for revenge. Citrine shook her head furiously, her tongue pushing on the cloth trying to break it free.

"I could carve your friends up in front of you, that could be fun too. Fortunately for them though I only punish those that deserve it." His smile was wicked and his eyes were excited. Citrine felt a sharp pain in her ribs as the dagger forced its way through. Screams left her muffled and distorted. His smile grew wider the deeper he plunged.

She focused on the sweat falling from her brow willing it to form into a thin blade of ice, she aimed the best she could her eyes focusing on his own. Akabi screamed his voice booming around her the ice exploded upon impact shattering around not just him but her. Slipping he fell onto the sheet of ice that formed beneath him. She tried to absorb the impact but failed only being able to focus on the pain.

She pushed herself, a deep booming of thunder releasing from her. Akabi grabbed his ears wallowing in pain. She tried to break free while he was down but the ropes around her were too skillfully tied. He arose furry radiating off of him.

"I was going to make this quick, but now I'm really going to take my time."


Gale was ahead at the Twenty-One table, mildly gloating to Astarion. "Don't take it too personally all of us have things that we are better at than others."

"Oh, I know Gale we all do have things that we are better at. Or doing things better with others." Astarion's words were playful with a hint of sharpness. A booming sound of thunder rang through the casino. "Must be a wicked storm outside." Astarion tapped the table as his turn came around.

Shadowheart came up to the table, a bottle of wine in hand. "Can you believe they let you just walk around holding these?" She was obviously intoxicated, with flushed cheeks and a bit of a drawl in her words.

Gale tapped the table as well, noticing a lipstick kiss on her neck. "I see things went well with the waitress."

"One could say that." She squeezed herself between the two, other patrons looked around agitated. "Where is Citrine, I thought she'd be holding onto you with her begging eyes." Shadowheart shook herself. "That came out coarser than I meant it."

"She's probably telling off the house for the Run of Luck games, telling them to free the lizards that they aren't for amusement. Druid things, she was in the lady's room."

Gale's eyebrows furrowed. "You don't know where she went?"

"No, I'm not her keeper she is a grown woman who can saunter off to wherever she pleases." Astarion flipped his cards. "Nineteen."

"I would of thought you would want to keep her within eyesight with all that's happened." Shadowheart's body swayed, Gale expertly grabbed her shoulder stabilizing her.

"Twenty-One," Gale answered, flipping his cards over with his empty hand. "I have to agree with Shadowheart, perhaps there is something you would like to inform us about your little adventures."

Astarion rolled his eyes, "I played a game. I came back, enough of that." He looked to the dealer who pushed a stack of gold to Gale.


Citrine's vision was hazy, she had been stabbed multiple times by this point, her peach dress now a crimson color. Her eyes pleaded with the Djinni he only laughed in response.

"Something to say?" Akabi cackled. She shook her head weakly the darkness growing closer. He pulled the binds from her mouth. "Begging for forgiveness? Please stop? No more? I can't take it?"

Citrine gasped air filling her weakened lungs. Coughing she mustered one word. "Rat." Citrine's bloody shape changed before the Djinni's eyes, her body warping smaller, disappearing into the ropes.

Her small paws scampered across the bloodied floor, the crack of the door in sight, she could hear Akabi behind her screaming, chasing after her. She wedged her way through, the blinding light of the chandelier beaming into her eyes. She jumped her claws digging into the railing when a flash of pain shot through her. She was falling, another dagger piercing into her now skin as she transformed back into her body mid-air.

She hit one of the tables with a hard thud. Citrine could feel her bones breaking, the once loud casino filled with silence, the light of the chandelier fading from her eyes welcoming the darkness back.


The crowd of patrons at the Hand of Fate tabled screamed and backed away from the table seeing the bloodied mess of Citrine, the dealer screaming for a healer. A golden-furred tabaxi ran to the scene, shoving a crimson potion down Citrine's throat she woke. Air flooded her lungs once more. She had stepped so close to death's door once more but this time thankfully someone did not let her enter.

"Thank you." Weakly escaped her throat.


Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion all turned at the thudding sound. The site of cards and dice flying, patrons yelling and fleeing, and finally a tabaxi dressed all in white standing over a body scrawled across the table.

Astarion could recognize the smell of that blood from anywhere, he ran pushing past the fleeing patrons. She was bloodied, and punctured, eyes barely flooding awake. "Shadowheart!" He screamed.

Her heart dropped at hearing her name and pulling Gale they ran to the sound of their friend to see him climb onto to table cradling a bloodied Citrine he looked like he was writhing in pain holding her. Shadowheart touched Citrine's brow, casting healing word. Gale could be seen questioning the few that remained around her body.

Citrine was stable, hurt but stable. The City Watch soon arrived questioning her, but according to them no one by that name worked there, nor was there a room with any trace that she had been there. They informed her that they had spoken to the owner she complied and gave them a list of employees. That this must have been some elaborate kidnapping. Astarion pushed back telling them to search again but the City Watch let the group know that since Citrine was okay now they had other things to focus on. Well wishes for a speedy recovery then nothing.

"Worthless the whole lot of them. Completely and underly worthless." Shadowheart had sobered up quickly.

Astarion did a lap of the casino banging on every door demanding to see. He reached the balcony where Citrine's blood barely remained, the door across was darkened no light coming from under it. He banged on the door to no answer. Skillfully lock-picking it he entered. Nothing, no blood no Akabi nothing. He did one more lap around not finding the room Citrine spoke of to the City Watch, when he arrived back Gale informed him that the carriage was outside waiting. 

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