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(Third Person POV)


The thunder around them crackled more and struck the ground. Other Second landed on a building and fell to his knees, the same one he dropped his radio on. The other two fell back and landed next to him.

"Did.. did we just lose..?"

They all stood in disbelief. He won. He really did it.

"Is it over yet?" A voice came through the rain soaked radio. Other Second hesitantly picked it up and spoke back.

"I.. don't think it will ever be over now. We've lost."

_nala laughed again and turned back to the machine.

"Finally.. I'll rule, and power will be in my hands! I'll bring justice to the hurt and pain to those who REALLY deserve it! Nothing will go unnoticed under my gaze! I'LL FINALLY GET WHAT I DESERVE!!"

The generator shut off as Other Chosen pulled a switch. "That should be enough!"

"We could use more, Cho."

"The generator was starting to overheat. Thankfully I caught it or the storage might have exploded."

"Ah, gotcha. Good thing you caught that, huh?" _nala smiled as he floated up, grabbing the weapon seeming to bleed energy. "What a thing of beauty.."

The others watched in horror as _nala held his blade to the sky. An energy beam pierced the clouds. _nala was able to control this realm at will. Pointing it towards Other Second, he blasted him backwards, immediately knocking him unconscious. Chosen leapt and rushed after him. Alan couldn't do anything but watch as the city around him started to warp.


The section underground started to panic, losing Other Yellow and having a whole panicking crowd to calm wasn't exactly going well.

Other Green wiped his tears. "We can't mourn right now. We need to find somewhere safe for all of you."

"Then you lead the way, Green. Me and Red will defend you as you leave." Other Blue commented. Other Green nodded and started to drive the crowd with the help of Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue.

Thankfully, the people started running as fast as they could, easily cooperating. Other Green used Other Yellow's leftover tech to open a portal home and to the Sanctuary. He wasn't sure they'd even have enough room there, but it was the only place he could think of.

Other Green looked back one last time before entering the portal himself.

It all was a nightmare to behold.

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