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(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Bunker, VA, World 1

Kenji had already set to work building up more security measures for their underground bunker. They were lucky to even have a chance at finding one in Virgina.

Slowly, they were making their way to the capitol. At this point, they were just a few cities away from it. However, the extra guards made it increasingly difficult for them to make it any further. Laying low seemed to be their only option as of now.

Their main priority is getting Second away from _nala himself.

Second was being used as a power fuel to run _nala's machines. Using the original source material, _nala was able to replicate Second's powers. Unfortunately, Second was the only outlet that allowed that energy to be used, so the whole thing was dependent on him. From what the group knew, Second is unconscious and does not respond to anything. He's still in that glass cage from the first power and maintains the constant energy flow.

With enough of the energy, _nala was able to expand across worlds. As soon as he took over his own world, he took to taking over the universe that challenged him.

It was rough for a lot of people, Resistance included. They fell immediately.

It seemed like no one wanted to even try to oppose him. It was understandable, though.

Finishing up the last locks on the door, Kenji sighed and leaned against it, tired as ever. Taking responsibility for a whole group of people and consistently fighting a losing battle was a ton of work. He wondered how the previous leader did it. Maybe they'd meet one day. Walking back over to the computer, he started updating their defense system.

"Hey, Kenji."

He looked up.

"Oh, DJ, there you are."

"Yup. Sorry for sleeping in so late."

"You're fine. How are the other three?"

"Aidan apparently has been up for a while. James is still resting."

"That's understandable. I'm building up defenses right now, you can rest some more if you'd like."

"Nah, I'll come help. Might not be that tech savvy, but I could make suggestions."

"That.. would not help." Kenji turned back to the computer.

"Tch.. I know, but I don't feel like laying around." DJ pulled up a chair, sitting next to him and looking over the work he'd been doing. He then looked down for the sticks.

"So, where's the Online Division?"

"They should be sneaking around Stick City by now.. or retreating back here because of the bots. Green wanted to try again on finding members."

"You think they'll succeed?"

"I hope they will. They need more help than they're getting."

Kenji finished typing and pressed enter. Entering the code into the self defense mechanisms he built, they became reinforced and acted twice as fast as they were before. These included traps for guards, intruders, anything of the sort. The scanners on the machines recognized the teams faces. The only time Kenji uncovered his face was for the scanners, even so, he made sure he was obscure about it.

"So, anything else on the agenda?"

"Can't think of anything, no.. I don't wanna drag you guys out again considering the injuries."

"I don't think we should just be doing nothing, though. Do we even have a plan for when we get to the capitol? We're getting close."

Kenji hadn't really thought about it.

For a few months, the group had been working their way towards the U.S capitol, which was where _nala was located, along with his power source. Originally, their path was straight up to Virgina, but they were chased back pretty far, so regaining that progress was difficult. Their goal was to shut everything down from the inside. Kenji hadn't made a plan yet due to the delay, but now they were close again.

"..I probably should make one. We gotta map out the place first, that includes the online division as well. We know about the online defenses around the computer they're using to run the place.. probably will be a buttload of sneaking.. maybe fighting. We have to wait to map it out, though. It's gonna take all of us, and James isn't fighting for long with that injury."

"We could leave James here and have the three of us go. If you just buffed up the defenses here, we should be secure about this place being protected." DJ suggested.

"Maybe.. we're still a few good miles from the capitol.. it'd take us a day or two to get there on foot, and a day or two to get back.. I don't know. I don't like the idea of leaving him alone for that long, especially in his state."

"I'm sure he can work with one arm if something does happen. I'd have a bit more faith in him."

"Yes.. maybe I'm being too lenient. Sounds like a plan. Once the online division gets back, I'll make sure to update them on our thoughts so far. If everything is approved, we'll prolly leave on Saturday. Go back and tell the two what we have, I'll start sorting supplies and mapping our route."

"You got it." DJ leapt up and walked back to their room. Kenji could hear immediate chatter through the door. From the sound of it, James had woken up. It was a good sign he was healing.

The three were pretty close. Kenji sometimes envied their friendship, being alone for a long while before starting the New Resistance. They hadn't warmed up to him just yet, unfortunately. He hoped they would soon.

Cause from the looks of it?

They were gonna be stuck in this group for a long time.

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