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(Third Person POV)
The Sanctuary, World 2

Ballista was still in shock that someone like Chosen even considered saving him. All in all, it made him feel bad due to his time in the Rocket Corp. They probably thought he was gone by now. Victim wasn't happy when the takeover happened, cursing Alan's name and sending out all his forces to try and stop this. Ballista and his friends were on the front lines. Two of them got captured, Matrix and Messenger. They took them away, and the next time he was on the front lines, he saw them fighting against them.

He had to retreat along with Scribbles. Neither of them could take seeing their friends kike that. Victim wasn't happy that they retreated so early, but neither cared as they were too involved with their own thoughts.

Ballista couldn't bring himself to rest after all, there was just too much on his mind right now. This place was bustling with life unlike the world outside of it. Maybe he should just stay here and not go back to his job. It would be so much easier. He was already here, so why not?

"Have you heard about the new sticks in town? I think they're.. in the Resistance still?"

That voice. It was so familiar. Ballista looked over.

"No doubt, they had weapons."

It was him.. and all his friends. Despite it being them, at the same time, it wasn't. Matrix didn't have her sunglasses, rather just round glasses with golden rims. She was dressed a lot more properly and carrying books. Both Scribbles and Messenger were dressed in work outfits. And.. himself. In a butcher apron.

They seemed like just normal everyday people. They were all there and together. They were happy.

He sighed.

Ballista didn't even notice that they stopped and stared back at him. Not wanting to disturb them, he quickly walked on.

One day they'd be back.

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