5. ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ

232 8 1

(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Bunker, VA, World 1

An alarm clock sounded out. Saturday morning had arrived. The one to wake up first was Aidan. As much as he didn't want to get up, he knew he had to. Shutting off the alarm, he got up and shook DJ.

"Time to get up." Aidan silently snickers to himself.

"..no." DJ turned over.

"Seriously, get up." Aidan slapped him.

"OW!" He shot up. "Dude, what the hell?"

"Come on, we gotta get packed up and going. You know what today is, right?"

DJ thought for a second before sighing. "Yeah, yeah, I do."

Taking the time to get changed and prepare all their stuff only took at least 10 minutes. They left a note for James, who they also let sleep in, and made their way out to the main lobby. Kenji was already packed, ready, and by the door waiting.

"You guys take a while to pack."

"You were up way earlier than us." Aidan shrugged.

"In any case, we need to get going. Like.. right now."

Twisting open the metal door they all hid behind, they went out into the field that their bunker was hidden under. Carefully stepping out, they looked around. The empty fields their base was under were usually empty, but they had to make sure in case _nala found them. Pulling up his phone, Kenji started the route he had mapped. It pointed them in the right direction.

"This way."


After a while of walking, they reached the first small town they needed to pass through. It seemed like a ghost town. A lot of people moved to the bigger cities because of recent renovations and technological advancements. From the looks of it, this town was abandoned. Stores and houses were covered in dust and there were lots of animals just scuttering around.

They rounded a corner into an alley. Kenji signaled to the others to stay quiet and keep their guard up. Even in abandoned places, there were bound to be guards looking for them specifically. They all nodded in response.

Quietly moving through the shadows, the three of them ducked by dumpsters and hid inside abandoned buildings, letting bots pass by. Some of them just chatted while walking, some of them were silent. The difference between who joined by their own will and who didn't was pretty obvious.

They were almost through the town now, right at the edge.

"A bit more to go you two." Kenji whispered back to his group. "Then a lot more walking."

"Isn't there a quicker way to go?" DJ thought out loud.

"There is.. if you wanna get caught."

"I feel like we'll get caught anyway, there's a lot of open road ahead."

"DJ is kinda right, though." Aidan agreed.

"We just need to get out of sight."

"If you say so." DJ shrugged.

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