8. ʀᴜɴᴀᴡᴀʏ

198 7 5

(Third Person POV)
Control Center, World 1

Red lights and sirens started blaring. Somehow, they were found. Rascal must've left one camera untouched.

"We need to GO!" Other Green started rushing everyone towards the exit. They quickly followed after him. Suddenly, guards rounded the corner and started running down the hallway. Still invisible, they all pressed up against the wall as they ran right past them. They continued running down the long halls until the exit was in sight.

Other Green slammed into the metal door. As expected, it didn't work.

"We need a keycard!" Purple shouted over the noise.

"Those won't work! The building is on lockdown, nothing is getting out unless we bust our way out!"

"Let me try, back up." Chosen stepped forward. Other Green backed up as Chosen beamed lasers directly into the door. Carving out an exit, he pushed out the remaining metal. That was exactly when their potions ran out.

Panicking, Chosen picked up the stick they saved, along with Rascal, and flew for it. Hopping onto Purple's back, they flew after them and caught up quickly.

"What's the plan?!" Purple shouted over the alarms ringing through the city.  

"Head to the water! We can lose them again!" Other Green shouted back.

The group had started to redirect before guards shot up from the city and caused them to turn away from their destination. They started to circle around the Control Center as more guards started to group up behind them. Two shots hit Purple's wings as she went plummeting down.

Chosen quickly turned to go catch her and Other Green. They had to lower to the top of a building so Chosen could drop everyone safely. Once they all got up, two guards landed in front of them. The traitors themselves.

"Well.. who did we just catch sneaking around?" Other Blue twirled his bow in his hands. From the looks of it, he was the one who shot Purple's wings.

Other Green stood up and faced the two boldly. "You.."

"Cmon, Green, why are you still trying? It's just sad at this point." Other Red shrugged and pointed a gun at his head.

"Because I'm not so willing to just suck up to _nala. Traitors."

"Just give it up, dude. Give up like Second did." Other Blue glared at him.

"Don't you EVER-"

"He said it to your face, Green. It's over. It'd be easier to surrender now."

Once he had the chance, Other Green ran and punched him square in the face. Other Red started to tackle Other Green, trying to hold him down. Purple quickly got in between them and started fighting Other Red.

Other Blue quickly spoke into his receiver. "Calling for backup, we've got the whole Resistance on a rooftop."

They were struggling until Other Green noticed something particularly interesting on Other Blue's belt. A high level gun labeled 'PORTAL'. It looked odd, so he snatched it and backed up, pointing it at them.

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