13. ɪɴᴇʀᴛɪᴀ

154 7 0

(Third Person POV)
Capitol Building, Washington D.C, World 1

As much as he hated being here, DJ had to admit this room was incredibly comfortable. Spacious, soft, and stocked with everything he could need. Despite this, he still wanted to leave. Unfortunately, he couldn't just waltz out the building. If he were to leave the room, he'd be under surveillance by the General themself. They were way stronger than him, especially with the cybernetic enhancements.

DJ looked out the window. The sun was starting to set. It had been a full day since he was taken in. It felt more like a week to him. It was so quiet here. Eerily quiet. Sitting on the provided bed, he thought about what to do. There had to be something to take back to the group once he was rescued. Nothing in his current room seemed to be very useful. Maybe he could find something in the little space he was allowed to travel. It couldn't be that hard to divert the General's attention for a mere second to steal something. Maybe tomorrow. As of right now, DJ decided to lay back and  rest. Might as well take advantage of what he was given.

Suddenly, he heard a heavy thump against his door. Almost immediately sitting up, DJ ran over and opened the door a little. The General was.. on the floor, lightly breathing.

If there was any perfect chance to escape, it would be right now. But, then he considered the fact that he didn't have anything to guide him back, and that the place was most likely swarmed with other guards anyway. He shouldn't be too hasty, rather play this whole thing off and take a better chance when it arises.

Kneeling down, he checked the General. They didn't seem too well, their eye blinking a few times on and off. Gently, he set them up against a wall and looked around for anyone who could help.

Thankfully, he spotted Other Chosen walking by.

"Hey!" He quicked yelled out.

Other Chosen looked over with confusion, which quickly turned to alarm as he ran over.

"What happened?!"

"I dunno! I just heard him pass out against my door.."

Other Chosen picked him up. Pulling his wrist up to his face, he flicked a panel on his wrist and called _nala.

"Chosen, what is it? I was just about to rest.."

"General passed out."

"What? Why?"

"Dunno, you should come out here and take a look at them, they don't look good."

There was an exhausted sigh before _nala hung up. Briefly after that, _nala came walking out towards him.

Once he approached them, he took their mask off and examined him. DJ couldn't see their face from where he was. However, he was able to eavesdrop.

"Yeah, I see the issue. Voice recognition scanners are on the fritz."

"You think DJ messed with them?"

"Well, yes, but not on purpose."

"..yeah, I could see that. Remember what happened last time?"

CyberAttack: _nala's ReignWhere stories live. Discover now