3. ʟᴜxᴜʀʏ

238 8 2

(Third Person POV)
U.S Capitol, Washington D.C, World 1

The morning was silent, just how he liked it. The room expansion was helpful for _nala. His bedroom had to be at least 30 times larger than his other one back in his world. Making the capitol all his was probably the best idea he had ever had, well, besides  taking over two worlds. Everything was run on his word, and upgraded to fit his view. People received food daily, worked for 6 hours, and got days off. It was so much smoother. Only thing was sometimes he'd have to use bots to enforce a few rules, but besides that? It was all peace.

He heard a knock on his door as he opened his eyes.

"Who is it? If it's the General, I'll be out in a few minutes, so wait."

"Nope, it's me!" A cheery voice shouted from behind the door.

"Oh! Chosen! Come in." He smiled and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

Other Chosen entered. "Sorry, didn't realize you were still asleep, hah."

Ever since he rose to power, _nala wanted to find a way to bring his partner in crime into the real world. That was when he tapped into real life robotics. Eventually, with lots of hard work, he was able to create a realistic, robot body for his friend. The body had dark skin, long, black glossy hair, and black eyes with a tint of orange. His clothes had to be specially tailored to fit Other Chosen, since a few of his proportions were a little wonky. Replicating humans wasn't _nala's strong suit, admittedly.

Other Chosen also still retained all his powers in the form of robotics.

"You're fine, Cho." He stretched and yawned.

Other Chosen smiled. Compared to a few months ago, _nala was in much better shape. He didn't work as much, he got more sleep, he was happy now. All of the work really was worth it. Then again, he never doubted _nala for a second. 

"In any case, I made breakfast!" He handed him a plate.

"Chosen, you're seriously too nice."

"Well, if you tried to make it yourself like last time, we'd have to build a new capitol."

"Hey.. watch it." _nala jokingly remarked, grabbing the plate. Other Chosen flopped on the bed.

"So, anything new?" _nala took a bite of the food given to him. He didn't know how Chosen was so good at cooking, but he didn't dare question it either.

"Atmosphere's healed a little. Running everything on Second's power is coming in handy."

"Good. Always great to hear. Anything on the Resistance?"

"New or Old?"


"Unfortunately, they're still fighting. We suspect they're up to.. 7 members now? 4 humans, 3 sticks."

"Are any of them our Second?"


"Nothing to be concerned about then." _nala, finishing, put his plate aside and stood up. "Well, I've gotta get dressed for today. I got a bit of work to do, but then I'm free for the rest of today. Anything you wanna do?"

"Gah.. I don't know. We have so much free time now."

"Crazy, isn't it? Well, you head out and decide on all that."

"Alrighty, I'll be waiting." Other Chosen stood up, dusting himself off and walking out the door, leaving _nala to get dressed.

He decided to just go for his comfortable white tee, jeans, sneakers, and old jacket with his pin. Putting on his glasses, he brushed through his hair and headed out. 

"Not being fancy today?" Other Chosen glanced at the outfit.

"Decided to be classic. I've had this jacket forever.. It's crazy."

The two continued to chat, making their way down the halls until they reached the main room, repurposed into a throne room. Other Chosen always commented on how extra it was, but _nala always responded with something like "Well, I'm also extra, so it fits."

_nala walked up to the overgrown chair and laid on it like a ragdoll.

"Is this the important work you had to do today? Get out of bed and lay on a throne?" Other Chosen teased.

"Oh absolutely." He snickered. "But really, I'm just waiting for.."

He was interrupted by harsh footsteps. Other Chosen walked up beside the throne as the person stepped through the large doors. Their face was half covered by a metal helm. The only uncovered part was their right eye and the corresponding part of their skull, which was replaced with robotics, indicating they were a cyborg. Their right arm was also metal. They simply went by "General," being the general of _nala's army and all.

Their right eye glowed blue in greeting as they raised a salute to _nala.

"Hello, General. I'll take a basic status report. How is everything?"

"Everything is running in perfect condition. Resistance has been pushed out, both online and offline. No attempted break ins, no rebellions. Defenses and power supply are fully secure. No malfunctions." Their tone was completely emotionless. It was weird until you got used to hearing it.

"Good. Anything else?" 

"Reports from our online soldiers say that  the Resistance has been scuttling around the city, supposedly gaining members for their cause."

"Hm. Could we get that fixed immediately?"

"Yes sir."

"Awesome. Is that it?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent. Return to your post. If anything happens, inform me immediately."

Lowering his hand, the General bowed and turned, exiting the room.

"..so glad that they're our general. They're excellent at their job."

"You made the right call." Other Chosen added.

"Absolutely." Sitting then standing up, _nala started making his way to his work room.

One of the nicer days.

_nala was glad to be in charge.

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