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(Other Green's POV)
Resistance Computer, World 1

I woke up in a cold sweat that morning. That one dream keeps creeping back into my head. The dream of that day where we lost that battle.

It takes me back to the days where me and my friends fought beside each other. The Old Resistance crumbled like dust the next day. I didn't want to give up on fighting. I never did.

It's been months since the fall. _nala reigns over both worlds now. Every single part. Governments fell, countries fell, it's all gone. At first, everything felt hopeless, but thankfully.. there's still a Resistance.

Leaping out of bed, I walked out onto the desktop.

"Morning, Green."

I looked up.

Ah, Kenji.

Kenji is the leader of the New Resistance. He built us up from absolutely nothing. He is a human, part of the Real-World division. One thing about him, though, is that we don't actually know much about him. Kenji always wears a mask, we never see his face, we don't even know if Kenji is his real name or just an alias.

Despite those facts, everyone here trusts and confides in him. In a lot of ways, he reminds me of my Second..

"Hey Kenji. Is anyone else up yet?"

"Not yet. We had a rough day yesterday. They almost found the bunker. The three of them are awfully banged up. They shouldn't be up for at least another hour."


"Any reports from the Digital-Division?"

"No, nothing yet. We haven't been able to track down more members lately."

"Well, that's to be expected."

"I guess so."

The Real-World division is made of 4 people. Kenji, DJ, Aidan, and James.

DJ, Aidan, and James are all friends. They used to be YouTubers and Animators before the fall. They also were friends with Alan Becker, though he's been missing for a while. DJ was the first one recruited, and was the one to find and recruit Aiden and James for help. Kenji is the captain for this division.

The online division is currently very small, made of 3 sticks. Me, Chosen, and a girl named Purple who came from the other world. She heard that her friend Second had been taken by a tyrant and decided to join us. I'm glad, she's a great fighter. I'm the captain of this division.

All the other sticks we knew were gone. They seemed to have just vanished. Well, almost. The Red and Blue that used to be in the Resistance betrayed us. They both joined _nala's side when given the chance. I guess they just gave up all hope after hearing _nala won.

Kenji pulled up a map of World 1 and laid back. We divided both universes into World 1 and 2.

World 1 is the "original" world, according to the people who came from it, such as Chosen, Purple, and most of the Real-World division.

World 2 is where I came from. It's also where _nala came from, unfortunately.

While a lot of the land is the same in both worlds, a few roads and such are different, so having two separate maps is quite convenient.

"So, any ideas for today?" I looked up at him.

"Our division is gonna lay low to heal today and upgrade our defenses. How about you?"

"We'll probably try again for members. I really want to find.. you know."

"I do. Set out around the late afternoon."

"You got it."


It was a few hours later, around the time we're fixing to leave.

From what I heard, Kenji wasn't lying about the rough condition of the Real Life division. They all had bandages wrapped around them. I heard from a teammate that James had an arm cast of some kind. Those soldiers are getting stronger, unfortunately, so it's likely gonna cause more injuries like that in the future. I worry about them a lot. They're so much more fragile than us.

Our division was packing their stuff and getting ready to head out onto the virus-infested internet. The viruses out there take whatever they find that doesn't fit _nala's vision and "adjusts" it with force. Everything is orderly and equal. His army also consists of actual sticks and humans, enhanced with metal armor and such. Some joined of their own will, some didn't. Everyone else lives in their own homes, only coming outside for food from stores.

It's twisted, really, but we fight as hard as we can. _nala's attempts to stomp us out have so far been unsuccessful. We don't know how long we'll last for, but we hope it'll be long enough to grow stronger.

"So, are you two ready?" I walked over to Chosen and Purple, who had geared themselves up.

"Ready." Chosen stepped up beside me. Purple just nodded and followed. Opening the portal, we all stepped out into the broken internet.


The silent rain and loud thunder sounded as we hit the ground. The red sky always seemed to be covered in dark clouds. Sometimes it'd rain, other times it was just thunder. It didn't matter, no matter what, it was always gloomy.

The wet grass only slightly cushioned our fall, but it was a cushion nonetheless. Getting up, we started walking into the forest off the side of the city. Many guards roam the city limits, so taking them out was our first priority. Making our way through the tree, we encountered two geared sticks at the edge. Both of them were armored to the teeth in robotics. Thankfully, not many guards have fire proof armor. Chosen took them both down with ease.

Sneaking into the city, we started to walk through the alleyways, looking for anyone we knew or whoever would be willing to join us.

The city was in the same state it always was. One half was in ruin, the other was clean and upgraded by _nala's tech. We mostly look in the ruined part of the city, as that was were most of the refugees were. However, the few we found didn't want to fight against _nala's army, which was very understandable, but sometimes it was frustrating. We're trying to revolt, but 7 of us against the thousands of _nala's soldiers isn't gonna do much, as much as we'd like to dream.

Purple did say her dad, King, ran off when the fall happened. If he was still alive, Purple wanted to find him, confident he'd help. I do trust Purple, so we've been keeping an eye out for him as we search the streets.

"Doesn't look like there's anyone here again." Chosen sighed. "I'm starting to think these trips are a waste and a big risk."

"Prolly.." Purple agreed.

"I know it seems like it, but any extra members are worth it with how short we are. Let's just keep looking. We might find something."

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