11. ᴀ ᴘᴀɴɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ

187 6 2

(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Bunker, VA, World 1

Quickly, Aidan and Kenji got past their security system and made their way into the bunker. James, who was peacefully sitting in the main room, looked up as his face shifted to confusion.

"Hey you two, where's DJ?"

"He got caught.." Aidan walked up to him as Kenji immediately started for the computer.

"WHAT?!" He leapt out of his seat. "What?! How?"

"He fell off the motorcycle.."

"Oh.. what? When did we get a motorcycle?"

"Don't question it."

"Did you guys at least try to go back for him?"

"Well I would have.." Aidan glanced back at Kenji, pretty pissed off. James pretty much picked up on that feeling immediately, putting his gaze on him as well.

Kenji could overhear them and feel their eyes on his back, but didn't say anything. He understood their frustration, but as of right now, there wasn't much they could do without a plan. Thankfully, they had gotten the floor plan laid out already, so planning would be easy.

From his knowledge, if they were going to do anything, they were gonna make him join their armed forces. DJ is strong, so why wouldn't they? However, Kenji knew another possible outcome once they found out who DJ was. From prior knowledge, Kenji also assumed they could just be keeping him prisoner. That would be a dumb move on their part, but it was plausible. Copying the drawing onto the computer, he quickly turned that drawing into a blueprint and printed out a few copies. With these, he laid them all out on the desk and picked up a pencil, skimming over them a few times.

Aidan and James walked over to get a closer look.

Feeling them over his shoulders, Kenji started to think out loud. "They've either taken him to 1 of 2 places." He circled two locations on the blueprint. "Either he's just imprisoned somewhere over here.. or they're already in the process of making him a soldier, which will take a few days since they'd have to figure out his brain functionality. Either way, we got 3 days max, so we're definitely on a time crunch."

He started drawing possible routes.

"This could have been avoided if we went back for him.." Aidan crossed his arms and mumbled.

"What would have happened is we would've all gotten captured, they get information out of us, they find James, get to the Online Division, and then it's all over. Does that sound good to you, or are you two going to let me save your friend without the backtalk?"

Aidan mumbled a small swear, but kept his mouth shut for the rest of the time. Kenji didn't want to get snappy, but the situation was pretty desperate, and he was just stressed. Taking a deep breath, Keji refocused. "We'll need a game plan.. but I'm blanking on how we could even get in without getting noticed.. after this whole thing they're ought to be on high alert."

"Maybe we could attack their electronics?" James suggested. "I mean, it doesn't even have to do anything. It just needs to occupy them for a bit."

"That would work, but that'd have to be a job for the online division. The fact that they aren't back by now worries me."

Pulling up contacts, Kenji attempted to contact Other Green. It connected, but the other side was only static.

"That's weird, this thing should be able to connect across far distances.." He tried again. "The only way it could be doing this.. oh."


"Two possibilities, one, they've also been captured, or they're in the other world. Which is weird, because I can't think of any way they'd be able to get there."

"Can't _nala's soldiers travel through the worlds at will?" Aidan thought. "I mean, we've seen them come out of portals before, right?"

"Right.. but how is my question right now.."

"Dunno, but maybe they took advantage of that fact and traveled with one."

Kenji nodded. "Maybe. Well.. what's important right now is establishing a connection to any one of our members or finding another way inside." Getting up, Kenji pinned the blueprint to the wall.

"Whatever plan we come up with, we're doing it tomorrow, no question. One of you needs to start prepping weapons and such. One of you stay with me and plan."

James nudged Aidan and smiled. "I'll go get all the stuff."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You stay here and make sure we actually have a decent plan."

Aidan raised an eyebrow at him.


"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just go."

They let out a few short laughs before James walked off.

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