4. ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ ꜰʟᴀɢꜱ

226 9 1

(Third Person POV)
Stick City, World 1

The three dove for the alley as viruses rushed past, on the hunt for them.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, they looked at each other.

"We should head home. They know we're here." Purple gripped her weapon tighter, scooting closer to Chosen.

"Yeah. She's right." Chosen agreed.

Other Green hated to retreat, but it was obvious that they needed to unless they wanted to get captured, and or killed. Other Green didn't wanna end up like his old friends, so he just nodded and started to guide his teammates out of the city. He hoped they wouldn't be noticed with the way they were taking.

Sneaking through alleys and silently taking down guards, the three carefully made their way out of the city and into the forest.

Purple took one step into the grass before Chosen stopped her.


Everyone paused. Chosen looked up at the trees and pointed. Small, red glowing dots were pointed directly at them. If Purple had taken one more step, she would have gotten blown up. Seeing the danger, she looked behind them as well. There were bots waiting for them to move.

They all looked at eachother, seeming to form a plan right then and there without words. Nodding, they grabbed onto one another as Chosen ignited his hands and took off, too fast for the robots to track. They ascended until they were out of sight for a second. Purple spread her own wings with Other Green on her back, and they all took off. Other Green turned back and loaded his gun. From the looks of it, they had 8 guards on their tail.

"How far are we?!" Other Green yelled over the noise.

"Almost there, just hold them off!" Chosen responded.

Nodding, Other Green fired a few shots, hitting a couple guards, sending them barreling down into the city below.

Getting close to where they needed to go, Purple and Chosen took a dive and a turn, trying to lose the guards that were still there. They seemed to be catching up, though.

"Green!" Purple yelled. "We're going down! Hold your breath!"

Nodding, Other Green attached his gun to his back and lowered himself, wrapping his arms around Purple and holding his breath. They all dove into the water and around a large rock.

Thankfully, they lost them.

Watching the guards that were left retreat, they slowly peeked their heads out of the water.

"Way too close.." Chosen sighed.

"Are they far enough away?" Purple whispered.

"Should be."

"Let's head back up.." Other Green gestured upwards. The other two nodded in agreement, starting to fly upward back to base, silently praying no guards stayed behind to watch them.


They were all exhausted coming home. Closing the portal and taking a few breaths, the group separated and went to rest. Other Green just sat when they got back.

"So?" Kenji questioned.


"I'd assume so. Well, it's good you got back right about now anyway."


"We planned while you all were gone. This Saturday me, DJ, and Aidan are heading for the capitol to map it out."

"And James?"

"Is staying here. He can defend himself, but I don't want to send him right back into battle after his injury."

"Right. Well.. what do we do?"

"I think you guys should try to get into the control center and find.. you know."

"Yeah. We can find him and map out the control center."

The Control Center was a huge building that attached to the sky and hung above the city that distributed power. It was also where Second was being held and used for power. Other Chosen was the one running the place when he wasn't hanging out with _nala in the real world. Even if he wasn't there at the time, the place was still heavily guarded and armored with code locks on every door, security checks at every turn, even in the vent system. There were also cameras everywhere.

Thankfully, the three members were a small enough group to sneak around. Hacking into systems shouldn't be too much of a problem. Other Green thought for a moment on how they'd approach this. It would be pretty tricky.

"If you can do that, start planning on your route and strategy now. It's better to be prepared."

"Of course." Other Green ran to catch up with his other two teammates.

Kenji watched him go, looking at his own papers with specific coordinate locations. He decided the best way to get in was from the back, climbing onto the building, and breaching it from above. A basic layout of the place was all they needed. With 3 people, it should be a breeze to sketch it out. While out, they could gain some more useful supplies. There ought to be stores to steal from and such, even if it was technically illegal. They could use the extra stuff anyway. The food supply was running low.

Kenji was torn away from his focus by a door opening. It was just his other 3 teammates walking out of their room, talking together. It looked like DJ and Aidan had made James a custom sling out of a towel and belt, mended securely together. It seems that they were discussing Saturday and the plan they had going, while casually making a bit of food for themselves. They were also making sure James knew about the extra weapons and alarm systems they had if anything were to go wrong.

Kenji looked back at his papers, staying quiet. He was glad that they were quite self-operable and didn't need too much instruction.

He needed a bit more planning.

Saturday was just around the corner.

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