10. ꜱᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴀʀʏ

231 9 5

(Third Person POV)
The Sanctuary, World 2

"Who are you?!" One of the sticks held a sword up to Other Green. He could practically taste the edge of the blade.

"G-Green. My name is Green. Part of the New Resistance.."

"Likely story.." Another pointed a trident at them, edging it closer. "Look at the virus they have with them!"

Rascal chittered with fear.

"I swear! We're not here to hurt anyone! We just need shelter. We can explain everything, just-"

Suddenly, an ear piercing screech came from the dim sky. A bird flew directly downwards and swooped through, leaving ashes in its path. Flying a bit more, the phoenix landed on the sword and stared at the group herself. Other Green smiled. Now this was someone he knew.

"Char! It's me! Remember?"

Char's stern expression shifted to a friendly one, chirping happily. Quickly, she landed on the net and bit into it, letting the whole thing burn and free the group. They all sighed and flopped on the ground. Char landed on Other Green and nestled into his neck. They could see who the sticks with weapons were more clearly now. The original Color Gang, minus Second.

Sitting up, Purple stared at them before smiling, then crying. "GREEN! RED! GUYS!" She ran to Green and hugged him. They seemed to realize then who it was, crying and group hugging her.

After a while of reconciling and calming down other citizens, the group walked with the Color Gang as they started to explain.

"Everything basically went to crap as soon as _nala won. We retreated back to the computer on our own. Alan was still fighting. We closed the portal and hid. Eventually, Alan's digital model came back carrying Second.. the leader of the Resistance I mean. He was extremely damaged, but with some coding, he opened a portal here for us. That was the last we saw of Alan.

More people started to flood the Sanctuary. Since we were already there, and we looked like the Resistance, they asked us for help. Ever since then, we've been the Sanctuary's second line of defense past the wall. Unfortunately, we don't think the wall will last forever." Green explained.

"That's odd.. that wall should be indestructible. Why is it weakened?"

"Don't you remember why the wall is indestructible?"

He thought for a second. The wall of the Sanctuary was connected to the Resistance. The only way it could be weakened was if one of them died..

..then he remembered Other Yellow. It was like a sting in the heart to remember that moment. That's why the wall weakened. He was gone.


"If it would make you feel better, there's a shrine and grave dedicated to him. It's on the left side of town." Blue brought it up.

"Maybe in a bit. I just.. want to rest."

"Right. We'll find a home for you all. Welcome to our Sanctuary."


The soft beds felt amazing against their worn out selves. Blue and Red tended to their wounds. Purple kept on talking to them, just glad they were here. They told her all about before the battle happened, meeting their otherworldly counterparts. Other Green smiled at the memories sadly before burying his head in a stack of pillows.

"This is freaky. I hate this! Worlds? Universes?" Ballista was pacing the room.

"Oh my god, shut up you 16-bit DS flipnote animation. I've explained it a thousand times already.. I'm trying to sleep." Chosen groaned.

Ballista glared at him like he was gonna kill him, but decided against it.

Rascal leapt onto Chosen's bed and snuggled up with him. Blue and Red seemed hesitant to let Rascal in, considering their past with Virabots. However, Chosen proved Rascal's friendliness. Char seemed to also be interested in the little creature, but left them to rest.

Other Green was happy to see his teammates get to rest, and to get some himself. However, his thoughts decided to keep him awake despite his want to sleep.


After at least an hour of just laying around, Other Green sat up. They said Other Yellow'ss grave was somewhere around here, didn't they?

Everyone else seemed to be dead asleep by now. Quietly, Other Green got up and started walking to the door. Exiting the home, he looked around. The city seemed much more lively when there were no threats at the entrance.

'Left side of town.. right?' Other Green thought as he started walking that direction. Sure enough, he started to see splashes of yellow color on the streets. They lead him right to a large courtyard sprinkled with yellow flowers. Gifts were left at the feet of a large central stone statue. That statue was none other than Other Yellow.

It was bittersweet to him, seeing the attention brought to his passed on friend. Walking closer, there was writing on the front of the structure.


Rest in Peace

Thank you for your service."

Carefully sitting down, Other Green just looked up at the statue and lost himself in his thoughts. Sitting led to laying down and closing his eyes, his breathing slowing.

Would things have been different if he were still here? Maybe he could've helped rebuild the Resistance. Maybe he would've convinced Other Red and Other Blue to stay. Maybe Other Green would feel a little bit less alone if he were still here.

It hurt. He missed that smart-elec.

Ever since _nala's attacks started years ago, the four of them stuck together and defended their home. That was until Other Second came around and convinced them to fight back despite being a product of destruction itself. Despite all the battles they endured, it made them closer. Meeting their other selves also made them closer, seeing how affectionate and vulnerable they were with each other. It was no secret Other Green wanted a life like that. So did everyone else. He could see it in their faces. They envied their counterparts. They couldn't be blamed though. Who wouldn't want to get out of a life like this?

"Man, you know, I used to hate when you would give us elaborate instructions.. but now.. I need that more than ever.." He turned in the grass, blinking his eyes a few times, a few tears running down his face.

It was quiet for a long time. Other Green felt at peace just laying here. He didn't know why. All he did know was that here was so much more peaceful than anything else the past few days. It was comforting in a way, being closer to his friend like this.

'What would you do..?'


A thought hit him.

Could Other Second be here?

He jolted upwards and stood up, now with brand new motivation. He started to run before pausing and turning back to the statue.

With a somber smile, he gave it a small salute and ran off to search.

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