6. ᴏʟᴅ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ, ʙᴀᴅ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇꜱ

220 7 8

(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Computer

Other Green wanted to go as soon as they could. Their window for getting around the city quietly was continuously getting smaller as they kept expanding into the abandoned parts of town, along with other websites as well, no matter how obscure they were. Purple and Chosen did agree, but they wanted to stay put for a while, considering their fairly recent encounter.

The other division left at least 5 hours ago. Other Green saw them leave the bunker. James was up by now, just chilling and watching over the place and making sure nothing broke in. Thankfully, it was a pretty easy job.

By now, Other Green had already started to pack for the job, anxious to go. Purple and Chosen were pretty sluggish compared to him, telling him to calm down. Other Green had to explain to them that if they didn't go soon, they would have no place in the city to hide, so it would be better now than later.

Within another 3 hours, Chosen and Purple finally decided to get ready. Other Green was thankful. Maybe waiting until dusk was a good idea after all.


Sneaking out of the PC and looking around, multiple guards were on patrol, lights shining on the ground. No doubt, they were securing the abandoned part of the city off for renovations. Other Green was pretty right. Other Green signaled for the other two to silently fly into the water. Nodding, they each grabbed one of his arms and quickly, but quietly, flew down to the water. They slowly sunk in without splashing. Their next move was to swim to the shore. It took a while, and they were almost caught coming up for air, but it worked nonetheless. Once they were up against the rocks, both held onto Purple so they could silently fly upwards. Reaching the edge of the cliff, the group looked for the best possible plan that they could take.

To clear out an area to hide, Chosen took out a nearby guard, and they all rushed into the shadows.

"So, plan?" Chosen whispered.

"Well.. we just need to get through here.. we should be home free when we get to the city."

"..the plan for getting through the forest with all the guards in it, genius."

Other Green started to think.


"Wait, Cho." Purple started. "Didn't you say your friend used to be a virus maker?"

"Yes, why is that important?"

"Is your house anywhere near here? If your friend has any scraps leftover, we could build a distraction."

"..actually.. now that I think about it.. follow me."

Chosen started leading the way to his old home, carefully sneaking inside. From the time he had been away, it looked like it had started to collect dust. Making his way upstairs, he found Dark's old computer.

"If I'm correct.. this thing should still have Virabot plans on it.."

Suddenly, they all heard something in the room move. It didn't sound like it was coming from any of them. They all frantically looked around before seeing that the noise came from under the desk.

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