12. ʜᴇꜱɪᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

155 6 3

(Third Person POV)
The Sanctuary, World 2

Other Green had completely forgotten about the Real World division.

They had tried to call him. He picked up, but all that came through was static.

'Crap. I need some way to contact them. We don't have the tech to talk through worlds.. maybe Sec can help if he's here.' Other Green walked towards the Color Gang's house. He knocked on the door and awaited a response.

Blue opened the door. "Need something?"

"Uh, sort of. This is a weird question.. but do you know if my Second is.. anywhere here?"

"Oh yeah, he lives at the end of the street near your Yellow's memorial. Just turn left once you pass."

"Oh! Ok! Thanks so much-"

"Just a warning, though. He doesn't really like people visiting him. He's very.. grumpy.. and sad."

"It'll be alright. Thanks!"

Blue closed the door. Other Green was incredibly relieved for one. After his state during the last battle, he couldn't help but worry. Just hearing that he was still alive relieved him. Turning around, he practically ran in the direction he came. Some people walked down the street and looked at him with confusion, but he couldn't care less.

Rounding the corner, he saw the final house on the street. It just seemed like an average home. Nothing large or flashy, but not decrepit or destroyed. It seemed like it could belong to anyone. Other Green almost second guessed himself while walking to it, but nonetheless, he walked up to the door and knocked.

There was no response.

A caw came from the skies as Char soared down and landed on Other Green.

"Oh, hey."

Char, seeing what Green was trying to do, nodded and entered through a smaller door around the side of the house. Looking at Other Green through a window, she unlocked and opened the door.

Other Green silently stepped inside and looked around. None of the lights were on. Basic furniture and dusty photos decorated the living room. Char went ahead and entered what he could only assume was Other Second's room. He looked up to one of the photos.

The city riot. Their first times together. This was before their first battle, before they even had armor and weapons. They'd caused a riot in Stick City and helped the citizens to revolt against _nala's rule. Other Second was the one who convinced them to fight. The one who made the four come out of their shells. He used to be so hot-headed, so dead set on defeating _nala and claiming his revenge. It was the time where the scar on his face was still very fresh and open.

Everything had certainly faded with time and tragedy.

The floorboards quietly creaking under his feet, Other Green walked up to the door of Other Second's room. With one deep breath, he lightly knocked.


"Get out." A stern voice erupted from the room. It was definitely him. Other Green could tell from the chills that cold voice sent down his spine.

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