15. ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ

154 9 1

(Third Person POV)
Resistance's Bunker, VA, World 1

"Alright, this whole plan depends on if we can get in contact with our Online Division."

"What do we do if we can't contact them?"

"I have a very risky plan B."

Kenji had sat both of his team members down and prepared to explain the current plan to them.

"Here's how we're gonna do this. Once we get into contact with the Online Division, they're gonna hack into the cameras and find out where DJ is. When they report back on that, they'll get into the Control Center, hack someone into one of the guards, and cause a distraction. While this happens, the stick that's transferred into one of the guards will find DJ in all of the chaos and bring him out to us. We'll be in a vehicle with weapons to defend ourselves in case the worst happens. Once he's in, everybody retreats back home, and hopefully it'll be a smooth ride."

The two nodded before James asked. "And what's our plan B?"

"Well, we turn one of us in equipped, and get DJ out from the inside, but I don't want to take that big of a risk if we don't have to."

"Well, we should probably start trying to see where our Online Division is."

"I've been trying.. but I can't find them. Here's to hoping they turn up soon."


Stick City, World 2

This city was definitely more advanced than the other. All of the city was overtaken at this point with bots patrolling every street and alley. There were barely any blind spots to hide in. Thankfully, the Control Center was in the same place as before. All they had to do was get there.

It has been a while since Other Second led a group. Four sticks plus a virus. Odd group, but he'd faced worse situations. Barely avoiding eyes, the group managed to sneak their way over right below the center.

"Ok, how do we wanna do this?" Other Second whispered.

"Purp, you still got invis pots?" Other Green looked to her.

"Only one for all of us." She pulled out a splash potion. "Only 8 minutes on this thing. We need to be fast."

"Thankfully, that's something we're sort of good at. Splash us."

With one swift movement, Purple splashed all of them and they ran inside. Rascal did what he's best at, disabling cameras and also causing a minor amount of chaos as the group ran deeper in. This layout certainly wasn't the same as the other center. Eventually, they found a closed off room with a computer inside. Ballista kept the door shut, making sure nothing could get in as Other Second plugged the energy they had gotten from the gun into the system. It almost immediately worked as Other Green pulled up a command prompt and started typing a message.

Connecting to their computer, he sent it over.   



In a few seconds, they responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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