Chapter 1

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Lily's POV

I was walking home from school and I was tired. I already know what's to come when I step foot through that door. Mom and Dad would be screaming at each other like always. Arguing about something or just yelling at each other without a reason.
I plug my earbuds into my phone to distract myself and listen to my playlist. I few songs go by and a song from a musical comes up. "Stupid Julia." I mumbled to myself. I never really liked musicals but my friend Julia loves them. She loves everything about them. The lighting, the set, the songs, the acting, the dancing, the singing literally everything. Shes always wanted to go see Broadway shows but her parents think it's a waist of money. She's always secretly adding songs to my playlist. I skip the song and move onto to the next.

I am standing in front of my home and I already hear them screaming. I take a few deep breathes before opening the door.
I walk in and set my bag down on the table and go to get some water. Today was a stressful day and I had so much homework to do. It was going to take me hours. I grabbed my glass of water and my bag and started to head up the stairs. "Hey come back down here!" My Dad yelled. "What do you want?" I replied starting to head back down. "Why were you late coming home today?" "I was late?" "Don't act dumb with me. Why where you late?" I didn't respond I ran upstairs and locked my bedroom door. He screamed something that I couldn't make out but I didn't care. I started to text Julia.

Me: Hey
Julia: Hi!
Me: I heard the song you put on my playlist.
Julia: I got you again! That song is one of my favorites!
Me: What's the name?
Julia: You didn't look?
Me: No I was to busy skipping it.
Julia: It's Home from Beetlejuice the Musical!
Me: ok

Julia didn't text me back for a good minute. I don't think she knew how to reply to that.

Julia: So, how are your parents?

Julia is the only person on this earth that knows my parents fight all the time.

Me: The usual.
Julia: That sucks
Me: Yeah.  Today when I got home my dad asked why I was late.
Julia: You were late?
Me: Yeah apparently, although he didn't even give me a specific time to be home by.
Julia: That's so unfair!
Julia: Anyways I got to go! Talk to you soon!
Me: Bye

I put down my phone and stared out the window. It was starting to rain and I always have liked the rain. It's just so calming and I love hearing the rain drops tap against my window. I pulled out my math homework and started it. I loved math. It is my favorite subject. I'm also good at it! It's the only class I enjoy. I finish it and start to move to whatever I have next, but I hear a smash.
I ignore it but then a hear a scream. I open my door and walk down stairs to see what happened. There was glass everywhere, my mom was lying on the floor and my dad was screaming at her unconscious body. I stared in shock. My parents fought all the time but it never became physical. He saw me standing on the bottom step and yelled at me to go back in my room. I bolted up those stairs and practically slammed my door.

I stared to cry. I tried to recall what just happened but I blanked out. I was just so upset. I miss how they were before now. A few years ago they were the sweetest people I have ever meet. The never fought over silly little things and didn't have anger issues. Sure they fought time to time but that's just life. I wasn't like it was everyday. They wouldn't yell at me if I made a simple mistake and they would talk to me whenever I needed. All of that is gone. My phone dinged and I picked it up.

Julia: Hey, I'm back!

I don't want to reply. I have a feeling I'll end up telling her everything and she will just get bored of me.

Julia: Hello? Lily? You there?

Not going to answer. I went to my closet and started to pack a suitcase full of only things I really needed. I then went to my desk and grabbed a photo of my family when they were happy. The photo was a selfie of my mom and dad standing next to each other and me making a funny face while on my dads shoulders. I put that in my pocket and zipped up the suitcase. I went down stairs and headed out the door. I had no intention of coming back. I walked for a little while and then I started to feel dizzy. I remembered that I hadn't drank water in a while and I mentally cursed myself for not even taking a sip of that glass that I had. I tried to grab on to someone walking by but I couldn't see straight and fell to the ground. "Hey are you okay?!?" It was a girl and she sounded panicked. I tried to respond but couldn't. Then everything went black.

Thanks for reading Chapter 1! New chapters will be out every Saturday. Bye!

Edit: If you're reading this as of July 17 2024, updates are now once every month or so, because I have become VERY lazy. :)

948 Words

Home / An adopted by the Beetlejuice the Musical castWhere stories live. Discover now