Chapter 5

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(I'm so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday)

‼️⚠️ Suicide ⚠️‼️

Lily's POV

Elizabeth drove away towards the theater as I stepped inside Julia's house. Her mom was reading a book on the couch but she must have heard the door shut because she looked up and saw me. "Hi Lily! It's so good to see you again!" Her face instantly put on a smile. "Hi." I smiled back. Julia's parents are always so kind and caring. They remind me of how my parents were a few years ago. I put my hand in my pocket and felt the picture inside. I closed my eyes as I held on to it. All the memories came flooding back. I remember the day we took that picture. We were on a hike in the mountains and I was fascinated by all the trees and how high up we were. I was holding my dad's hand and my mom trailed behind us. They were talking about something but I forgot what it was. All I know is they were laughing so hard we had to take a break. After a while my feet hurt so my dad put me on his shoulders. Mom saw this pretty view at the top of the mountain so dad pulled out his phone, turned it towards us and took the picture.

"Lily!" I snapped back into reality and saw Julia running down the stairs. She almost tripped but she caught herself on the railing. I quickly shoved the photo in my pocket and whipped away the tear that had started to trickle down my face. "You need to come see this!." She grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. She opened the door to her art room and it looked like a paint bomb had exploded. The sea foam green walls were not sea foam green anymore. The floor was covered in different shades of red, yellow, green, pink, brown, you get the idea. The ceiling even had some paint on it. There were paint pallets and brushes and canvases everywhere you looked. She led me to a canvas in the back of the room. It had a white sheet over it, waiting to be revealed. "Guess what it is." She asked me this every time and I always say. "I don't know, just show me already!"
She took the white sheet off and I didn't know how to react. She normally painted self portraits or pictures of other people. She had never done anything like this. I wanted to hang it up in a big beautiful gold frame and put it in an art museum, but I also wanted to ruin it at the same time. "I don't really know how to feel about this..." I didn't want to hurt her feeling but she probably wanted the truth. "Oh... ok." She took the painting and put it at the bottom of one of her stacks.

We went to her bedroom and I sat on her bed while she sat at her desk. "So what's it like living with Elizabeth?" I knew that question was coming. "It's okay." I didn't really know how to respond. "It's okay?!? You're living with THE Elizabeth Teeter! You're so lucky!" I geuss I offended her, also I'm not lucky. My whole life has been flipped and she calling me lucky? She's the lucky one! She actually has parents who love her and care for her! What I would give to get my normal perfect life back. "I'm not lucky! You're being stupid right now! I've practically lost everything and you're calling me lucky? What I would give to be in your position right now!" I was irritated with her so I got up and walked away. I didn't want to talk to her. I guess she was mad at me too because she didn't follow me out. I walked down the stairs and put my shoes back on. "Leaving so soon?" Her mom came around the corner and scared me. "Yeah, Elizabeth knows." She doesn't. I don't really care about lying anymore. I feel like it's a part of me at this point. "Okay, well thanks for coming even if it was only for a little bit!" I just wanted to get out of there so I just said bye and walked out the door.

My plan now? I don't have one. I didn't know where I was going to go because I couldn't get back into the apartment without a key, and Elizabeth took it with her. I guess I could just walk and see where life takes me. I connected my earbuds and started listening to music. I decided to walk by the Marquis Theater and it looked busy. People checking in to the hotel and leaving. I saw one family come out. A father, mother, and daughter. The dad was pushing one of those luggage cart things and it had four suitcases on it, along with a bunch of other bags. The little girl was riding on it. Singing a song and enjoying life. The mom was on the phone talking to someone and she sounded stressed. It couldn't really hear what she was saying but I could tell it wasn't good. I walked a little closer to them because I was curious. "Brain, what are we going to do?" She looked like she was about to cry and I felt sorry for her. "I don't know Gwen." He also looked sad but not as sad as her. The little girl stopped singing and looks confused. "What's wrong?" She tilted her head to the right and scrunched up her eyebrows. "Oh nothing sweetie." Im guessing her mom didn't want to worry her. They put all their bags in the trunk of a car, put the luggage cart thing back inside, and drove off.

I wanted to know more, but it would've been weird if I started talking to them. I'm not really a conversation starter. People have to start them for me. I looked at the car as it drove off. My curiosity got the better of me and I started following it. They stopped at a red light and I almost caught up to them but as soon as it turned green they started speeding away. I sprinted after it. I knew they were in trouble and I wanted to help. They pulled over and rolled up all the windows, but they were talking loud enough so I could still hear them. I sat on a bench really close to the car and pretended to scroll on my phone. "I'm sorry Gwen but I can't do this!" The man was frantically looking around for something. "No! You can't do this to yourself! You can't do this to us! Please stop thinking like this!" The mom was trying to calm him down. The man shook his head and pulled out an object. "No please!" The woman was frantically trying to take the object away from him, tears streaming down her face. The daughter looked like she had no clue what was going on, but she was also crying. I heard a loud bang and blood splattered everywhere. The man had shot himself. I sat there paralyzed. The woman was crying and screaming. The girl was terrified at what just happened. I realized I couldn't just keep sitting there. I ran over to the car and helped the now broken family out of it. I was also crying at this point. The little girl looked up at her mom. "Is daddy gone?" Her mom didn't answer for a good few seconds. "Daddy's gone." She whispered. I wanted to wake up from this horrible dream but I knew it wasn't a dream. I heard sirens and a few seconds later police cars pulled up. They secured the area and started to ask the family questions. I didn't know what to do so I just ran away. I never looked back. I made it all the way back to Julia's house and banged on her front door. "Let me in!" I looked like a mess. Her mom answered the door and let me fall sleep on her couch to calm me down. As I was laying there I figured out what the Man was looking for. Answers. Answers to why his life was like this and why everything happened the way it did. I felt sorry for the man. He didn't deserve this. Nobody did. I closed my eyes and a tear trickled down my cheek. I wiped it away and fell asleep.


This chapter was very intense but I also think it's my favorite.

Also please don't commit suicide. You are loved and if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here. <3

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