Chapter 15

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Julia's POV

I got to the theater 15 minutes ago and I am waiting outside for Lily to get here. I swear this girl is as slow as a snail. I'm getting impatient. Y'know when you're waiting for something, so you pretend you're on your phone so you don't look weird? (Fourth wall? Never heard of her) That's what I'm doing right now. I swear we are going to miss the show because of her. Okay now I actually have something to do on my phone. I can text her.

Julia: HURRY UP!

Lily: Chill. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Julia: We said 7:30, it's 7:35. The shows starts in 25 minutes!

Lily: Calm down. We're not going to miss it.

Julia: You might miss it, but I'm not.

Lily: Rude! Don't go in without me!

Julia: I might just have to if you don't hurry up!

Lily: I'm literally here.

I looked up from my phone and there she was. She was just wearing some jeans and a simple dark green T-shirt. I, on the other hand was decked out in a cute little black dress. I had a few bracelets on my right hand, and my blonde hair was curled into bouncy waves. I couldn't find any combat boots, so instead I grabbed some black high-top Converse and added them to the look.

"Finally! Took you long enough!" I didn't waste anymore time. I grabbed her by the wrist and led her towards the entrance. We scanned our tickets on our phones and headed inside. It was like I stepped into the Netherwold. There was merch everywhere and the walls had a light shined on them that made them appear purple. We went to go find our seats and grabbed two playbills. It was going to be my new prized possession. I looked around in awe at the stage. The curtains were purple and had swirls all over it. The giant "Betelgeuse" sign was a really nice touch to it. There was also green smoke coming out from behind the curtain, and to top it all of there were purple and green spotlights that traveled around the theater. The pre-show music was playing and I started humming along with it. Our seats were in the front-middleish part of the orchestra, so we could see the stage pretty good. I whipped out my phone and started taking a ton of pictures. I even managed to convince Lily to be in some. I think I am embarrassing her, but that's okay. She can be embarrassed for the next few hours.

After I was satisfied with the amount of pictures I took, I put my phone away. "So, are you excited! This is like one of the best broadway shows ever!" I turned so I was looking at her. She definitely was not as excited as me, but I could tell she was a little bit interested in all this. "Yeah, I guess." She looked at the stage as she talked. I looked at her with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" She looked over at me and I could see tears in her eyes. Except they weren't happy tears like I would probably be shedding in a few minutes. Her eyes looked sad and scared. "What's wrong? If you need a minute, you can go to the bathroom. I can come with you if you want. If you don't want me to come, just make sure your back befor-" She nudged me in the arm as a signal to "shut up, you're making a scene". She whipped her eyes with the bottom of her shirt. "No, I'm fine. Just remembering things that I don't want to remember." She looked at the ground as she spoke. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it as a sign of reassurance. She looked up and smiled at me, and that's exactly when the lights cut out and the music for Invisible started to play.

Act 1 just ended and let me just say, OH MY FUCKING GOD IVE NEVER ENJOYED SOMETHING MORE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! Seeing this show in person is so much more cooler than seeing it through slime tutorials. It feels like you're apart of the story. I was taken away from the rant inside my head when i accidentally bumped into a person. I quickly said sorry as Lily continued dragging me through the crowd and towards the bathroom. After we got out, we quickly jumped in line (I didn't even mean to make that reference) at the merch booth and got some stuff. On our way back to our seats I saw the man that got picked to be "that guy" and told Lily how lucky he was. Sadly, we didn't get picked to be the kids during the sad puppet show either, but that's probably because our seats aren't by that side of the stage, and Alex can only see out so far. We got back to our seats and the curtain was now different. It still had the little squiggles on it like before but the giant "Betelgeuse" sign was now replaced with a giant green swirl in the middle of the curtain. I turned to my left to find Lily looking through her playbill. I smiled to myself. "So, how is the show so far?" She closed the playbill and looked over to me. She had a matching expression on her face. "It's actually not that bad." This made my smile turn even bigger. "Oh my gosh, this is a life changing moment! The girl who doesn't really care for musicals is telling me that she likes one! I could just throw a party right here, right now!" My smile turned even bigger. (If that was even possible) Her face turned into a smirk. "Calm down. I just said it wasn't that bad." "Yeah, but you didn't say it was bad either." She rolled her eyes and started going back through the playbill. I scrolled on my phone until the lights turned off once again.



It's been less than a month since I last posted a chapter. That might be a new record.

Beetlejuice the musical trivia question #4:

What is the name of Delia's guru?

Comment your answers in the comments.


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