Teaming Up (GT/E)

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After Voldemort returned to power at the end of Harry's fourth year, Dumbledore created a Death Eater Attack drill for the Hogwarts students. The drill will start at random times, and the students are tasked with successfully making it to the Great Hall before morning, avoiding and fighting Hogwarts staff disguised as Death Eaters.




Draco wakes to the booming voice of Dumbledore yelling through the castle. "Death Eater Attack Drill starting exactly now! All students have till the first light in the morning to make their way to the Great Hall. Good luck, students."

Draco curses as he stumbles into a pair of pajama pants. Like hell, he will run through the castle in just his underwear. Shirt half-buttoned, Blaise waits by the entrance to their room. Draco debates waking up Crabbe and Goyle for all of one second before racing out the door. If Dumbledore's alarm couldn't wake them, Draco definitely couldn't. Besides, it's not as if they need these drills. All four of them are safe if a Death Eater attack ever happens.

All the future Death Eaters at Hogwarts can't exactly hole up in their dorms during drills without drawing suspicion, so Draco and Blaise are forced into the chaos that is the Hogwarts halls at night. Blaise drops back a few steps without speaking, prepared to stop attacks from behind. Draco keeps his wand at the ready, eyes peeled in the darkness. If it wouldn't attract attention, he'd cast a light. He will run into another student and break his nose at this rate.

Which is what happens, or almost exactly.

A first-year student trips over their too-long pajama pants and lands directly in Draco's path. Draco curses as he goes down. His head connects with the edge of one of Hogwart's many statues. Blinding pain erupts in his skull; he feels blood dripping down his face. Blaise snaps and points his wand at the kid, who scrambles to his feet and races away. He drops to his knees beside Draco.

"Merlin's beard, Draco! This looks bad. Worse than I know how to heal."

Draco shoves himself on his knees, fighting down the urge to vomit. "That's what happens when your parents only teach you the dark arts."

"Now is not the time to joke! We'll never get to the Great Hall with you injured like this."

"Yes, we will," Draco holds himself steady with one hand on the wall. He closes his eyes and grits his teeth against the pain. He will not lose this pointless drill because Harry will probably be the night's hero. Most likely, stopping every five feet from helping a sniveling first year to their feet and holding their hand to the Great Hall. Pathetic.

Blaise snaps to attention at the sound of voices coming from a nearby hall. The one they're standing in is void of classrooms, broom cupboards, and anything the two can use to hide in. With Draco's head injury, they can't move fast enough to get out of sight. As a last resort, Draco hobbles a few feet to his left, where he knows a safe room is. "Room" is generous, more like a safety box. Dumbledore had them installed all over Hogwarts. If Death Eaters attack Hogwarts, these are the students' hiding places.

A specific spell activates them each and, when unlocked, sends a signal to all Hogwarts staff, preventing students from misusing the space to kiss or shag. Draco has made it a point to find and remember the location of every room for when Voldemort attacks the school. He plans to slip away from his father and lead injured students to them.

There is barely enough room for two teenage boys, but they're willing to squeeze together. Draco yanks a tapestry aside and presses his wand to the stone, muttering the spell under his breath. He curses Merlin, Arthur, and every founder of Hogwarts as the door opens. Harry Potter stares back at Draco in shock. Ginny is propped against the wall breathing heavily. Harry has his hands pressed against her abdomen tightly. There's a growing stain of blood seeping under his fingers.

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