The Holidays are Meant for Cheer (GT/E)

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Hermione takes Ginny on a date to a Muggle Christmas festival because she feels down about Fred's death.





Standing outside the Weasley's home door, Hermione shifted the box of presents in her arms to a more comfortable position. She should have accepted Harry's offer of help transporting the gifts to the Burrow, but she knew he was eager to see his adopted family.

When Harry asked if he could assist, Hermione had not finished wrapping. She could have used magic, but being Muggle-born, she still preferred to do most things the Muggle way. If she had accepted Harry's help, he would have had to wait a few days longer to visit the Burrow with his husband.

Instead, Hermione ushered Harry and Draco along to the Burrow with their godson, Teddy. She was perfectly capable of wrapping Christmas presents herself.

The door opened, and Molly's cheerful face greeted Hermione. Molly always had a knack for knowing when guests arrived. "Hermione, it is lovely to see you. Come in, come in." Molly stepped aside to allow Hermione entrance.

Hermione peered over the top of the presents as she entered. The warmth and laughter of the Burrow washed over her, instantly relaxing her. She remembered when the joyful atmosphere was absent from the Burrow. She was glad it was back.

It had been two years since Harry defeated Voldemort. For the most part, the wizarding world had returned to normal. Occasionally, something would happen, or someone would say something that brought back memories of dark times, such as George sitting morosely on the stairs.

Since his brother's death, George had never been the same. No one expected him to be. None of the Weasleys, except Bill and Charlie, moved out after graduating from Hogwarts. Losing Fred made them all appreciate each other more.

George kept his and Fred's old room at the top of the house but avoided being in it as often as possible. He spent most of his days at the joke shop.

Ron had mentioned retiring from being an auror and helping George run the shop. He lost interest in his current career once Harry retired a few months before to become a healer apprentice at Hogwarts, wanting to be closer to his husband during the school year.

Headmistress McGonagall offered Harry the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position, but Harry declined. He was tired of fighting dark wizards and spells. He was content to heal people and let his husband teach the new generation about potions.

The holidays were difficult for the Weasleys and those close to the family, so Hermione planned a date for her and Ginny. Around this time, Ginny started pulling away from her family and friends. Grief overtook her and caused her to isolate and ignore her needs. Hermione would get Ginny out of the house and remind her of joy and love.

Bill moved from his comfortable position, lounging on the couch, surrounded by his many siblings and their partners, to relieve Hermione of her load. She smiled in thanks at him. Bill nodded his head. He transfered Hermione's presents under the giant Christmas tree the Weasleys swamped with thousands of homemade ornaments.

"Hermione, are you free to help Charlie, Fleur, and me in the kitchen? We're making dinner."

Hermione faced Molly, regretful. "I am so sorry, Mrs. Weasley. I am not. I'm here to drop off presents and pick up Ginny. I have something planned for us to do."

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