The Power of Truth (M/E)

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Lily has been desperately in love with her best friend, Mary, since their fourth year. She brewed Veritaserum in potions class, and the effects haven't worn off yet during the seventh years' Christmas party. 








 Lily shoved open the door to the Marauders' dorm room. "Potter!" she yelled.

A yelp came from behind James' drawn curtains, and Regulus tumbled onto the ground. His hair was disheveled, and he was missing his shirt. James opened his curtains and peeked out. He squinted in Lily's direction, unable to see her clearly without his glasses.

"Is that you, Lily?"

"It is. Make yourselves presentable. I have a predicament."

"Bossy," Regulus mumbled good-naturedly. He sat on Remus' bed. James buttoned his shirt and did the same.

Lily stuck her tongue out at Regulus. The two of them had had a friendly rivalry since the year before. Lily finally understood her feelings for James Potter in her sixth year and decided to pursue him.

Unfortunately for her, James had already set his eyes on someone else. Lily and Regulus participated in a passionate battle for James' affection that Regulus won. James was none the wiser; to this day, he still does not know that Lily ever harbored romantic attraction for him.

He brushed out his curls to the best of his ability. "What do you think of my hair, Evans?" Regulus smirked, knowing it irritated Lily when he alluded to him and James doing sexual acts.

"Shut up, Black," Lily snapped. "Your hair makes you look like a slut." Lily clapped her hands over her mouth, mortified.

James was taken aback, but Regulus found the situation hilarious. "What sort of truth magic did you get entangled with?" He asked through cackles.

"Veritaserum," Lily admitted. "We made it in Advanced Potions. Professor Sluhorn promised he had an antidote ready for those of us who brewed the correct potion. However, he messed it up. Our Potions professor brewed a potion wrongly! Three students are walking around Hogwarts under the effects of Veritaserum."

"Why is that a problem?" James asked, stupefied. "Unlike the Marauders, it isn't like you have anything to hide."

Lily gripped the hair close to her forehead in frustration. "You don't understand," she wailed.

"Explain it to us," James said.

"Veritaserum can last twenty-four hours or more. There isn't a point for Professor Slughorn to prepare an antidote because the effects will wear off before it is complete."

"I still fail to see the issue here."

"The Gryffindor Christmas party is tonight, Potter," Lily snapped.

"And that is bad; why?"

"Merlin's beard, Potter," Regulus scoffed. "It's about Macdonald, isn't it," he asked Lily.

She clamped her lips together, but the Veritaserum overpowered her will. "Of course, it is about Mary."

"I'm confused," James stated. He didn't like the way his boyfriend and Lily looked at him as if he were a clueless child.

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