Like the Sunset (GT/E)

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Neville and Ginny have a lovely Valentine's picnic in the Astronomy Tower at sunset.





A piece of parchment folded into a bird flew onto Ginny's empty plate in the Great Hall during lunch. She tried to hide the note in her lap, but with so many brothers, one was bound to see. Fred made a grab at the parchment bird as she tried to unfold it.

Ginny held the parchment out of his reach. "Leave it alone."

"Aw, come on, Ginny. Don't be so secretive."

"No!" Ginny held the bird protectively to her chest, smacking Fred's hands when he reached for the parchment.

Their tussle caught the attention of Hermione and Harry. "Stop annoying your sister," Hermione ordered.

"No," Fred said. "She's got a little note. I bet it's a love note from Neville."

"Ooh," George waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"The both of you shut up," Ginny's cheeks blazed with warmth. Her brothers, Ron included, had been teasing her about Neville since the Yule Ball months ago.

She was sick of it. She never teased them about their relationships. She kept quiet about catching Percy and Penelope kissing back in her first year. The least her brothers could do was give her the same courtesy.

"Guys, back off." Harry came to Ginny's defense, having been on the receiving end of the young Weasley boys' invasiveness. It was only fair. Ginny had protected his secret relationship with Draco at the Yule Ball. "It really isn't anybody's business what Ginny's note says."

"Thank you, Harry." Thinking the matter was settled, Ginny unfolded the note. She had a second to recognize Neville's handwriting before the note was snatched from her hands. Ron stood behind Ginny, holding her note between his thumb and pointer finger.

"What is this?" Ron asked, scanning the writing.

Ginny forewent hexing Ron. It would take too long. She elbowed him in the stomach, taking her note back when he doubled over in pain. "It's mine," she snapped. She stuffed the note in her pocket, grabbed her bag and stormed from the Great Hall. She hated being the youngest sibling. It made her brothers think they had a pass to pick on her.

She could hear Hermione berating her brothers about their lack of respect and boundaries as the doors closed behind her. She leaned against the wall near the Great Hall. The parchment crinkled as she smoothed out the edges.

Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 5. - NL

Butterflies erupted in Ginny's stomach. She didn't expect this feeling when she accepted Neville's invitation to the Yule Ball. She wasn't interested in him, but she wanted to attend the ball, and no one else was going to ask her.

Neville was a perfect gentleman at the dance. He complimented her dress, offered his arm, brought her drinks, and gave her frequent dance breaks because her heels pinched her toes. His dancing skills were also exquisite. Ginny greatly enjoyed dancing with Neville.

At the end of the evening, she realized she hadn't thought about her crush on Harry at all. Instead, her mind was filled with Neville's smile or his adorable laugh.

She accepted when he asked her to go on the next Hogsmeade trip with him. He bought her candy from Honeydukes and a Butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks. He gave her his scarf when her nose went red from the biting cold.

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