Platonic Kiss (M/E)

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James and Sirius share a platonic kiss in the common room, so their boyfriend team up to return the favor. 





 "Prongs," Sirius wails, "light of my life!"

James doesn't react as the portrait hole opens, and Sirius makes a dramatic entrance. He's used to it after seven years. Sirius drops onto James' lap, causing him to ruin his Charms essay with ink.

James doesn't blink at his new lapful of Sirius. He adjusts his body so Sirius can comfortably rest his head against James' neck. "What is it, my star?" James runs his hand soothingly through Sirius' curls.

Sirius' shoulders shake with exaggerated sobs. "Moony said he doesn't love me anymore!"

Remus sighs, used to his boyfriend's antics. "Pads, I said I'm not kissing you after you ate that spicy dish at dinner."

Sirius turns puppy eyes on James, knowing they always work without a doubt. James is easy to manipulate with the power of looking sad - a fact Regulus abuses daily. "See? He won't kiss me."

"That's okay, Padfoot. I'll just have to kiss you instead."

Sirius perks up. He wiggles until he's straddling James' lap. "That is just what I need to live again."

"You're not dead, Sirius," Remus drones.

"I can arrange that if he wants," Regulus offers.

"Regulus," James admonishes, "we've talked about this. You can't kill everyone who annoys you."

Sirius tosses his hair behind his shoulder. "I will be dead soon if nobody kisses me."

"We can't have that," James says, amused. "I'll come to the fair damsel's rescue."

"At least someone finds me attractive," Sirius snarks.

"I'm not kissing you because I don't want second-hand spice to invade my mouth, not because I think you're ugly," Remus says with a shake of his head. His life would have been much less stressful if he had ignored the annoying boys in his dorm in his first year.

"The entire castle finds you attractive," Regulus gags. "I can't see why. James, do not kiss my brother," he orders. He does not want his brother's cooties all over his boyfriend.

James flippantly waves his hand at Regulus. "I can't let him suffer. You might want to look away."

As James kisses Sirius, Remus rolls his eyes hard - Merlin only knows how they stay in his head. "Are you seeing this?" he asks Regulus.

"I wish I couldn't see it."

"Eye bleach?" Remus holds his wand ready, willing to use a spell on a whim.

"Eye bleach," Regulus readily agrees. He gags as Sirius exaggeratedly moans as James' tongue slips into his mouth.

"Why do you allow this?" Peter asks, disturbed. He looks anywhere but at his friends kissing on the couch.

"Are you jealous, wormy?" James teases. "I can start giving you a bedtime kiss if it will make you feel better."

Peter squeaks in fear. He worships James, but a kiss of any kind is a bit too far for his liking. "No, thank you. Keep your lips far away from me."

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