Skates and Secrets P1 (M/E)

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Pro hockey players Regulus Black and James Potter are forced to hide their relationship for the sake of their careers. Everything goes smoothly until a rival player blackmails James into throwing his games, or he'll out him and Regulus to the press.





Rose Killer




Pro hockey players James Potter and Regulus Black were spotted together in an intimate embrace while attending pro figure skater and formerly estranged brother and best friend Sirius Black's latest competition. Below is a photo of many taken by fans in attendance.

[The picture shows James with his back against the wall, Regulus' hand on James' chest to trap him there.]

There has been no indication that either player had any form of relationship with the other in the past, seeing as Potter is Sirius Black's best friend while the younger Black used to be a sore spot for the elder Black brother.

Of course, this is all just speculation, and no one knows the true nature of the relationship between the two men. However, this new revelation might cause tension between Potter and the elder Black.

What do you guys think? Leave a comment with your theories.

James drops his head to the table with a groan. "How did this even happen?"

Remus answers with his own groan as he reads through millions of comments and posts about James and Regulus. "I told you attending Sirius' competition together was a bad idea, but neither of you listened."

"Look, we've been together for over a year and have almost no chances to do something normal with each other outside of our houses. We were careful. I don't know how anyone even saw us together."

Remus slams his palm down angrily. "You were practically humping each other in public, James! What did you think was going to happen?"

"We weren't humping!" James cries. "It was all a misunderstanding. You know how easy Reg is to piss off and how much I love to piss them off. I took it too far, and they slammed me into the wall. What those pictures don't show is them immediately walking away. Nothing happened."

Remus rubs his temple, sliding his glasses into his hair. "This is a PR nightmare."

"I don't understand the big deal. So what if we're together? It won't affect our playing. Lots of players have romantic relationships. The only potential problem that might arise is between us and Sirius. We already know he won't care; we just haven't told him yet. We'll release a statement, all three of us, clear the air, then continue our lives."

"James, you are naive. I wish it worked that way. The players that are in relationships aren't playing against their significant other, nor are they, publicly, in a relationship with someone of the same sex-"

"Reg isn't a man; they're nonbinary," James interrupts.

"Seeing as Regulus is mostly male presenting, nor are they out to the general public, that will not change anything. The biggest issue you'll face is homophobia and transphobia by the media and by the company. To avoid offending the LGBTQIA+ community, they will claim it is unfair and unethical for you two to play against each other while in a relationship."

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