The Night at the Dance P2 (M/E)

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 After staying out so late the night before, James plans on sleeping in the next morning. However, his friends have a different idea.

Sirius flings open James' curtains and leaps on the bed. It's a miracle his flailing limbs miss James' face.

"Merlin's beard, Sirius! What was that for?" James wiggles around until Sirius' curls no longer tickle his nose.

He doesn't try to push Sirius off. Sirius is a massive cuddler. He gets pouty if he doesn't get to cuddle with someone every morning. Most of the time, he sneaks into Remus' bed, but now and then, he craves James' attention.

"What took you so long last night?" Sirius mumbles into James' chest.

Remus sits on the edge of James' bed and folds his legs under his body. "We waited up for you about thirty minutes. What happened?"

Anticipation thrums through James' veins. When he returned to the dorm, he wanted to tell his friends about Eros, but it was late, and everyone was already asleep. A smile crawls across his face.

Remus catches on first. His hands fly to his mouth. "You met someone?" he asks through his fingers.

James nods. He couldn't fight his smile if he wanted to. Thinking of Eros is enough to cause a floaty feeling in James' stomach.

Sirius sits up, straddling James' chest. He leans close to James' face, almost eye to eye. "You're serious?"

"No, that's you," James retorts.

Sirius waves away his favorite joke. He's too focused on James' love life. "Don't joke at a time like this! Who did you meet? You danced with everyone before we left."

"I ran into him - literally - as I was about to leave the Great Hall. I don't know how to describe it—the second we touched, the world made sense. I knew he was the one for me immediately. We danced for a until we went for a walk outside. And I kissed him beside the Black Lake." James trails off, remembering the feel of Eros' lips on his. He needs to stop talking, or he will get too excited - not the best thing to happen when two of your best friends share your bed with you.

Sirius swoons into Remus' arms. "That is so romantic! Who is he?"

The smile slips from James' face. "I don't know," he admits.

"What does that mean?" Remus questions.

"I don't know who he is," James repeats.

"Merlin's Balls, Prongs," Sirius exclaims, "how did you fuck up so badly you didn't even get the guy's name?" He wacks James on the top of the head.

James ducks Sirius's hand. "It wasn't my fault! He wouldn't tell me who he was. He said it was better never to see each other after last night."

"But you kissed him?" Remus says. "And he kissed back, right?" James nods. "Why would he kiss you if he knew nothing would come of it?"

James shrugs. "He told me to call him Eros. I think his costume was a god or something. He also said -" James falters, unsure if he wants to share Eros' love confession with his friends. It was an intimate moment between them.

"What?" Sirius grips James' sleep shirt and tugs him closer until their noses touch. "He said what? What did he say, James? I need to know!"

Remus wrangles his hysteric boyfriend out of James' personal space. "Padfoot, chill. Give James room to breathe."

"We don't have time for him to breathe! I need to know everything!"

James scoots until his back hits the headboard of his bed. A small giggle escapes him before he can stop it. "Oaky. I'll tell you everything, even though there isn't much to hear. I bumped into Eros, we danced, he confessed his love to me, we kissed at the Black Lake, and then he ran from me. But he left this." James reaches under his pillow and extracts the gold silk Eros wore around his eyes to conceal his identity.

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