It was Nice of You to Drop In (GT/E)

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Percy is dutifully studying for his NEWTS, despite being on Christmas break, until Oliver Wood drops in on him - literally. 


Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood


 Bundled up in a thick winter coat, Percy crossed the threshold of Hogwarts' main entrance. The icy wind whipped across his exposed face and hands. He hiked his book bag further up his shoulder before slipping his wand out of the holster in his sleeve.

He cast an uncomplicated warming charm, saving his brain power for studying. Despite the winter chill, the air was clear and crisp. Almost anywhere on Hogwarts' grounds would be suitable for Percy to study.

The raucous behavior of his fellow peers caused Percy disdain. A vast majority of the seventh years opted to stay at Hogwarts. At first, Percy was proud that other students were putting learning above a silly holiday, but he soon realized they only wanted to party and act ridiculous with their friends.

Percy needed to be prepared for NEWTs if he was to gain a job at the Ministry of Magic directly after graduation. Nowhere in the castle was a safe place to study.

Fred and George were supposed to go home to the Burrow with Ron, Ginny, and Harry until Percy informed them that he would remain at Hogwarts for the holidays. Coincidentally, the twins changed their Christmas break plans and decided to stay at Hogwarts.

They told their mother they wanted to follow Percy's "inspiring footsteps" and prepare for their OWLs. Molly was so proud that her sons were finally showing dedication to their education that she willfully ignored Percy's every attempt to convince her that his brothers were only staying so they could sabotage him.

He was correct. The twins had not done one bit of studying in the week since break started. Instead, they threw a party in the Gryffindor dorm every day. Their parties lasted all day, from the break of dawn to midnight.

Even with muffling charms, Percy couldn't concentrate in his dorm room. The library wasn't an option either because Dumbledore closed it for the break, claiming the students should "use this time to relax and focus on your friends."

At his breaking point, Percy decided to brave the winter weather and find a secluded place to study outside. He thought about asking Hagrid if he could borrow his hut for a few hours, but he wasn't as close to Hagrid as Ron, and with the number of animals and creatures Hagrid had, it would have been too loud.

He was almost to the Black Lake, ready to conjure a blanket and study on the bank, when Oliver Wood leaving the castle with his broom in hand caught his attention. Of course, Oliver was practicing Quidditch. He would have had his entire team practicing daily from sunrise to sundown if McGonagall had allowed it.

Percy changed direction, heading to the Quidditch pitch. The pitch was secluded and should be empty. It was the perfect place for Percy to study.

His eyes tracked Oliver's movements, ensuring he went where Percy assumed.

Oliver took to the air on his broom and flew a few circuits around the pitch. Percy settled onto the stands. He spread his books, parchment, and ink out and held his quill loosely. He attempted to focus on memorizing the brewing instructions of The Draught of Living Death.

The students wouldn't make the potion, but Snape expected them to recite the instructions and ingredients from memory.

Dumbledore banned Snape from adding brewing the potion to his NEWTs test because of the difficulty level. Only one or two students achieved the correct potion every few years and those that didn't often brewed a dangerous potion.

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