History Won't Repeat (GT/E)

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Lucius Malfoy's abuse towards his son comes to light during a Quidditch match when Harry is injured and Draco drops everything to help him. Dumbledore orders McGonagall to ignore the situation so they don't incur the wrath of the Malfoys. McGonagall refuses to listen because the last time she took Dumbledore's advice... Regulus Black died.





Draco bites his lip trying not to cheer as Harry pulls ahead of him on his broom. They've been neck and neck with each other since Harry spotted the Snitch and made a dive for it. Draco followed but his speed is waning. He may have the better broom, but there is no denying that Harry is the better flyer.

Harry will overtake the Snitch in no time and win the Quidditch match for Gryffindor and Draco doesn't mind. He'll be a bit surly when his teammates blame him for the loss but losing to his boyfriend isn't the worst thing that can happen to Draco. Especially when Harry's proud smile is in his future.

Draco slows his speed. He doesn't drop too far behind Harry because he can't let on that he's not trying as hard as he should. Harry saw the Snitch first. There's no way Draco can catch up. Slytherin has lost this match, so there's no reason for Draco to overextend himself.

He follows a few feet behind Harry's broom, his eyes trained on his boyfriend's robe billowing in the wind. Harry's hand is an inch away from closing on the Snitch when a green blur knocks into him.

A cry rips from Draco's throat when Harry tips to one side, loses his grip, and falls, much like that one time in their third year with the Dementor. Harry is an exceptional flyer, who has saved himself from many falls, but no one could keep their balance after being hit with only one hand loosely holding onto their broom.

Draco's eyes widen in horror as Harry's body plummets toward the pitch. There's nothing either of them can do. Madam Hooch banned wands and magical items from Quidditch games between Gryffindor and Slytherin after their first match of the season when Crabbe hexed Ginny Weasley so badly that she spent the rest of the weekend recovering in the Hospital Wing.

Draco could try to catch Harry with his broom, but he wouldn't be fast enough, and even if he was, Draco's broom couldn't hold his weight and Harry's if he slammed onto it. Draco is helpless as his boyfriend falls closer to death.

A streak of light connects to Harry's body, freezing him in the air. Draco traces the streak back to Dumbledore's wand. He relaxes. It took Dumbledore long enough to act but at least Harry is safe.

Or maybe not. Dumbledore lowers Harry's body to the ground but Harry doesn't move.

It's as if time freezes. Everyone collectively holds their breath, waiting for the Boy Who Lived to do as his name says. The moment is broken by two people climbing over the edge of the stands and running onto the pitch. From Draco's vantage point, he can't make out their faces but assumes they are Harry's friends. Ron and Hermione are never far from Harry at any moment.

"Draco, what are you waiting for?" Goyle's voice distracts Draco from Harry.


"I knocked Potter off of his broom so you could win the game." Goyle points to the Snitch that is still hovering in the same place it was before Harry fell. "The Snitch is right there. What are you waiting for?"

"Are you serious?" Draco's eyebrows knit together. His boyfriend is lying injured on the cold ground and Goyle expects Draco to finish the stupid game. It's not like Goyle knows Harry is Draco's boyfriend, but his blase attitude about Harry's injury pisses Draco off. "Fuck off," he seethes.

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